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Autoria: FONTES, M. G.; SILVA, G. F. A. da; LIMA, M. F.; FONSECA, M. E. N.; COSTA, A. F.; SILVA-FILHO, J. G.; BOITEUX, L. S.
Autoria: ZOBIOLE, L. H. S.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, R. S. de; BONATO, C. M.; MUNIZ, A. S.; CASTRO, C. de; OLIVEIRA, F. A. de; CONSTANTIN, J.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, A. de The increase cultivated area of GR soybeans across different regions of the world have raised questions not yet answered as related secondary effects of glyphosate on physiology of GR soybeans. In thi... ... |
Autoria: MILIOLI, A. S.; MEIRA, D.; PANHO, M. C.; MANDELLA, L. A.; WOYANN, L. G.; TODESCHINI, M. H.; ZDZIARSKI, A. D.; CAMPAGNOLLI, O. R.; MENEGAZZI, C. P.; COLONELLI, L. L.; FERNANDES, R. A. T.; MELO, C. L. P. de; OLIVEIRA, M. F. de; BERTAGNOLLI, P. F.; ARIAS, C. A. A.; GIASSON, N. F.; MATSUMOTO, M. N.; QUIROGA, M; SILVA, R. R.; BERTAN, I.; CAPELIN, M. A.; MATEI, G.; BENIN, G. Abstract: Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merril] is one of the main crops produced worldwide, and on-farm yields have increased considerably in the last decades in Brazil. We evaluated the genetic gain for... ... |
Autoria: ZOBIOLE, L. H. S.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, R. S. de O.; CONSTANTIN, J.; HUBER, D. M.; CASTRO, C. de; OLIVEIRA, F. A. de; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, A. de Although GR soybean technology is spread all over the countries involved in soybean production, there is no particular fertilizing recommendation under glyphosate use and not much has been reported in... ... |
Autoria: CUNHA, J. P. A. R. da; BARIZON, R. R. M.; FERRACINI, V. L.; ASSALIN, M. R.; ANTUNIASSI, U. R. Abstract: Pesticide drift is an issue in modern farming, mainly for crops under constant spraying as soybeans. This study aimed at assessing drift and pest control for aerial applications in soybean c... ... |
Autoria: VIANNA, G. R.; CUNHA, N. B.; MURAD, A. M.; RECH FILHO, E. L.
Autoria: GALÃO, O. F.; CARRÃO-PANIZZI, M. C.; MANDARINO, J. M. G.; SANTOS JÚNIOR, O. O.; MARUYAMA, S. A.; FIGUEIREDO, L. C.; BONAFE, E. G.; VISENTAINER, J. V. The aim of this study was to compare fatty acid profiles of seed samples from twenty different soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) genotypes (14 non-transgenic and six transgenic Roundup-tolerant) grow... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE JUNIOR, A. S. de; SILVA, S. P. da; SETÚBAL, I. S.; SOUZA, H. A. de; VIEIRA, P. F. de M. J. Digital aerial images obtained by cameras embedded in remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) have been used to detect and monitor abiotic stresses in soybeans, such as water and nutritional deficiencies. Thi... ... |
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