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Autoria: FARIA, M. R. de; GUIMARÃES, R. A.; PINTO, F. A. M. F.; SIQUEIRA, C. da S.; SILVA, C. A.; MEDEIROS, F. H. V.; BETTIOL, W. Abstract: The incorporation of organic matter to the soil not only improves nutrient content, but also reduces the survival of Stenocarpella, the causal agent of stalk rot, Diplodia ear rot, and grey... ... |
Autoria: AGUIAR, F. M.; COSTA, R. V. da; SILVA, D. D. da; LANA, U. G. de P.; GOMES, E. A.; COTA, L. V. Maize stalk rot can lead to major corn yield losses in Brazil and worldwide. Maize stalks exhibiting tiny black specks or light brown lesions were collected in the city of Luís Eduardo Magalhães. Base... ... |
Autoria: MELO, P. L. A.; CHERUBIN, M. R.; GOMES, T. C. de A.; LISBOA, I. P.; SATIRO, L. S.; CERRI, C. E. P.; SIQUEIRA NETO, M. The sugarcane (Saccharum spp. L.) mechanical harvesting system leaves a large amount of straw mulch on the soil surface. The straw mulch may affect soil conditions, root regrowth, and sugarcane yield.... ... |
Autoria: SOFIATTI, V.; SILVA, O. R. R. F.; ANDRADE JÚNIOR, E. R.; FERREIRA, A. C. de B.; PERINA, F. J.; BOGIANI, J. C. The increase in geographical areas used for cultivation of transgenic glyphosate herbicide-resistant cotton has hindered the stalk destruction, compromised the phytosanitary break implementation and c... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE JUNIOR, A. S. de; BASTOS, E. A.; RIBEIRO, V. Q.; ATHAYDE SOBRINHO, C.; SILVA, P. H. S. da This study aimed to evaluate the stalk yield of ten sugarcane cultivars (RB962962, RB931011, RB931530, RB98710, RB92579, RB867515, RB863129, SP791011, RB72545 and VAT90212) subjected to water deficit,... ... |
Autoria: NICOLI, A.; ZAMBOLIM, L.; COSTA, R. V. da; GUIMARAES, L. J. M.; LANZA, F. E.; SILVA, D. D. da; COTA, L. V. ABSTRACT: Adoption of resistant cultivars is the primary measure used to control anthracnose stalk rot. The goal of this study was to identify maize-resistant genotypes to anthracnose stalk rot, which... ... |
Autoria: GHINI, R.; FORTES, N. L. P.; BETTIOL, W. During the last decades, sewage started to be treated in order to reduce the pollution of rivers, resulting in the production of a sludge rich in organic matter and nutrients, called sewage sludge. Am... ... |
Autoria: RÊGO, M. M. T.; NEIVA, J. N. M.; RÊGO, A. C.; CÂNDIDO, M. J. D.; CARNEIRO, M. S. de S.; LOBO, R. N. B. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritive value of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.) silages with the addition of 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16% dried cashew stalk (Anacardium occiden... ... |
Autoria: GHINI, R.; FORTES, N. L. P.; NAVAS-CORTES, J. A.; SILVA, C. A.; BETTIOL, W. Abstract: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the combined effects of soil bioticand abiotic factors on the incidence of Fusarium corn stalk rot, during four annual incorporations of two typ... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, D. C. de; OLIVEIRA, M. W. de; PEREIRA, M. G.; GOMES, T. C. de A.; SILVA, V. S. G. de; OLIVEIRA, T. B. A. This paper evaluated the stalk productivity and quality of the RB961552 and RB98710 sugarcane varieties, compared with RB92579, during the cane-plant and regrowth cycles. The study was conducted in a... ... |
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