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Autoria: SILVA, C. C. A. da; LAUMANN, R. A.; MORAES, M. C. B.; AQUINO, M. F. S. de; BORGES, M. The objective of this work was to compare the biology of Chinavia impicticornis and C. ubica (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), two species of stinkbugs that occur as secondary pests in soybean. Life table pr... ... |
Autoria: ZUCCHI, T. D.; PRADO, S. de S.; CÔNSOLI, F. L. Microbes are extensively associated with insects, playing key roles in insect defense, nutrition and reproduction. Most of the associations reported involve Proteobacteria. Despite the fact that Actin... ... |
Autoria: COKL, A.; LAUMANN, R. A.; KOSI, A. Z.; MORAES, M. C. B.; VIRANT-DOBERLET, M.; BORGES, M. Plants limit the range of insect substrate-borne vibratory communication by their architecture and mechanical properties that change transmitted signal time, amplitude and frequency characteristics. S... ... |
Autoria: CUNHA, J. P. A. R. da; BARIZON, R. R. M.; FERRACINI, V. L.; ASSALIN, M. R.; ANTUNIASSI, U. R. Abstract: Pesticide drift is an issue in modern farming, mainly for crops under constant spraying as soybeans. This study aimed at assessing drift and pest control for aerial applications in soybean c... ... |
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