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Autoria: ANDERSON, M. C.; ZOLIN, C. A.; SENTELHAS, P. C.; HAIN, C. R.; SEMMENS, K.; YILMAZ, M. T.; FENG GAO; OTKIN, J. A.; TETRAULT, R. To effectivelymeet growing food demands, the global agronomic communitywill require a better understanding of factors that are currently limiting crop yields and where production can be viably expande... ... |
Autoria: SOARES-CAVALCANTI, N. N.; BELARMINO, L. C.; KIDO, E. A.; WANDERLEY-NOGUEIRA, A. C.; BEZERRA-NETO, J. P.; CAVALCANTI-LIRA, R.; PANDOLFI, V.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.; ABDELNOOR, R. V.; NASCIMENTO, L. C.; BENKO-ISEPPON, A. M. Plants experience various environmental stresses, but tolerance to these adverse conditions is a very complex phenomenon. The present research aimed to evaluate a set of genes involved in osmotic resp... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, F. B. de; PASSOS, A. M. A. dos; SILVA, J. B. da; AVILA, R. G.; MAIA, M. P. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of sorghum seeds under water stress. For the experiment, five lots of sorghum seeds with the same genotype (CMX5156A) and differen... ... |
Autoria: BRASILEIRO, A. C. M.; MORGANTE, C. V.; ARAUJO, A. C. G. de; GUIMARÃES, L. A.; BERTIOLI, S. C. de M. L.; BERTIOLI, D.; FONSECA, L. N.; SARAIVA, M. A. de P.; MARTINS, A. C. A; GUIMARAES, P. M. Cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea) has a high morphological but narrow genetic diversity, and understanding the genetic processes of this plant is hindered by the fact that the peanut genome has not... ... |
Autoria: PEZZOPANE, C. de G.; LIMA, A. G.; CRUZ, P. G. da; BELONI, T.; FAVERO, A. P.; SANTOS, P. M. The evaluation of genetic resources in germplasm banks of Paspalum can contribute to their use in breeding programs and for advanced research in biotechnology. This study evaluated the tolerance of 11... ... |
Autoria: SIQUEIRA, J. A.; BARROS, J. A. S.; DAL-BIANCO, M.; MARTINS, S. C. V.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; DAMATTA, F. M.; ARAÚJO, W. L.; RIBEIRO, C. Acidic soils with elevated aluminum (Al) saturations are worldwide distributed and harm the crop production in most of the tropical and subtropical regions. Under these conditions, root elongation may... ... |
Autoria: ARMANHI, J. S. L.; SOUZA, R. S. C. de; BIAZOTTI, B. B.; YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; ARRUDA, P. Plant perception and responses to environmental stresses are known to encompass a complex set of mechanisms in which the microbiome is involved. Knowledge about plant physiological responses is theref... ... |
Autoria: ROSSI, L. M. B.; MORAIS, R. R. de; HIGA, R. C. V. A study was made about the relations between leaf temperature variation associated to water stress on the gas exchange of young tachi-branco plants (Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel) plants, a fast grow... ... |
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