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Autoria: AMARO, G. C.; FIDELIS, E. G.; SILVA, R. S. da; MARCHIORO, C. A. Ecological niche models are used to quantify the relationships between known occurrence records of a given species and environmental variables at these locations. Maxent is among the most widely used... ... |
Autoria: MATIAS, J.; BLECHA, I. M. Z.; KOLLER, W. W.; GARCIA, M. V.; STEVE-GASSENT, M. D.; BARROS, J. C.; ANDREOTTI, R. This study was made in an urban forest fragment in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Midwest of Brazil. During a three year period, from 2012 to 2015, the presence of tick species in the environ... ... |
Autoria: MAURO, R.; PEREIRA, M.; AGIOVA, A.; ARAUJO, A. Abstract: Forestry in the Cerrado Biome have the potential to act as carbon sink and storage and can be used as climate change mitigation option through compensatory planting. The Cerrado occupies abo... ... |
Autoria: BRASIL NETO, A. B.; SCHWARTZ, G.; NORONHA, N. C.; GAMA, M. A. P.; FERREIRA, G. C. Natural regeneration is becoming more frequently used on a global level as a method of ecological restoration after mining operations. The objective of this study was to investigate forest restoration... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO JUNIOR, W. de; LOIREAU, M.; FARGETTE, M.; CALDERANO FILHO, B.; WÉLÉ, A. The purpose of the study is to verify whether some correlation exists between soil erodibility (i.e. K factor mentioned in RUSLE model) and data obtained from satellite images. This piece of work repr... ... |
Autoria: HEIDEN, G.; BOCHORNY, T.; ANTAR, G.; AZEVEDO, I.; BIANCHI JUNIOR, F.; CARRIJO, T.; DUTRA, V.; FONTANA, A.; FRAGA, C.; GERACE, S.; GIACOMIN, L.; GIL, A.; GOLDENBERG, R.; GONZAGA, D.; HEIDEN, G.; KOCH, I.; KOLLMANN, L.; LABIAK, P.; LIMA, D.; MARCUSSO, G.; MORAES, P.; TORRES-LEITE, F.; VIANA, P.; FORZZA, R. Abstract: The Parque Estadual do Forno Grande is a fully protected area in the southern Espírito Santo State, Brazil. It belongs to the Atlantic Forest domain, with predominantly dense, ombrophilous,... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, V. R. de; RIBEIRO, A.; PAREYN, F. G. C.; DRUMOND, M. A.; PORTO, D. D.; KIILL, L. H. P.; FERRAZ FILHO, A. C. Managed Caatinga forests in Northeast Brazil are an important source of wood products, however, successful regeneration and regrowth is important to guarantee sustainability in these forests. The main... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA, J. N.; PINHEIRO, H. S. K.; BUENO, M. M.; CARVALHO JUNIOR, W. de; PEREIRA, N. R.; CARVALHO, D. C. de; SOARES, P. F. C. The environmental resilience is strictly dependent of water availability. The identification of priority areas is important to conservation aid land-use planning and urban expansion, conservation, and... ... |
Autoria: MOREIRA, M. M.; CARRIJO, T. T.; ALVES-ARAÚJO, A.; AMORIM, A. M. A.; RAPINI, A.; SILVA, A. V. S. da; COSENZA, B. A. P.; LOPES, C. R.; DELGADO, C. N.; KAMEYAMA, C.; COUTO, D. R.; BARBOSA, D. E. F.; MONTEIRO, D.; GONZAGA, D. R.; DALCIN, E. C.; GUIMARÃES, E. F.; LÍRIO, E. J. de; MATOS, F. B.; SALIMENA, R. G. F.; OLIVEIRA, F. A.; HEIDEN, G.; LANNA, J. M.; BAUMGRATZ, J. F.; PASTORE, J. F. B.; OLIVEIRA, J. R. P. M.; BARCELOS, L. B.; SYLVESTRE, L. S.; FREITAS, L.; GIACOMIN, L. L.; PEDERNEIRAS, L.; MEIRELES, L. D.; LOHMANN, L. G.; PEREIRA, L. C.; SILVA, L. A. e; NETO, L. M.; SOUZA, M. C.; TROVÓ, M.; SOBRAL, M. E. G.; GARBIN, M. L.; GOMES, M.; MORIM, M. P.; MOTA, M. C. A.; LABIAK, P. H.; VIANA, P. L.; MORAES, P. L. R. de; GOLDENBERG, R.; COELHO, R. L. G.; FURTADO, S. G.; SILVA-NETO, S. J. da; FLORES, T. B.; DUTRA, V. F.; BUENO, V. R.; FORZZA, R. C. Brazil is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, with about 37,000 species of land plants. Part of this biodiversity is within protected areas. The development of online databases in the l... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, S. F. de; MENDONÇA-SANTOS, M. de L.; CARVALHO, C. N. de; DART, R. de O.; PARES, J. G. The development of methods in digital soil mapping has been an activity that's growing substantially in recent decades. The DSM is quickly evolving from the research stage to map production at various... ... |
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