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Autoria: GEROMEL, C.; FERREIRA, L. P.; BOTTCHER, A.; POT, D.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; LEROY, T.; VIEIRA, L. G. E.; MAZZAFERA, P.; MARRACCINI, P. Sucrose is one of the compounds in the raw coffee bean that has been identified as an important precursor of coffee flavour and aroma. In order to increase our knowledge of sucrose metabolism in coffe... ... |
Autoria: GEROMEL, C.; FERREIRA, L. P.; GUERREIRO, S. M. C.; CAVALARI, A. A.; POT, D.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; LEROY, T.; VIEIRA, L. G. E.; MAZZAFERA, P.; MARRACCINI, P. Sucrose metabolism and the role of sucrose synthase were investigated in the fruit tissues (pericarp, perisperm, and endosperm) of Coffea arabica during development. Acid invertase, sucrose phosphate... ... |
Autoria: MONTE, A. P. O. do; LOIOLA FILHO, J. B.; SOUZA, T. T. dos S.; MIRANDA, M. de S.; MAGALHÃES, L. C.; BARROS, C. H. S. C.; SILVA, A. A. de A.; SANTOS, A. O.; GUIMARÃES, A. de S. L.; COSTA, J. M. da S.; SOUSA, P. H. F. de; NOGUEIRA, D. M.; CORDEIRO, M. F.; LOPES JÚNIOR, E. S. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of adding sucrose in vitrification solution of ovine embryos produced in vivo. Forty Dorper ewes were selected and superovulated. Immediately prior to the emb... ... |
Autoria: ALECRIM, A. O.; GUIMARÃES, R. J.; CASTANHEIRA, D. T.; REZENDE, T. T.; CARVALHO, M. A. de F.; VOLTOLINI, G. B. The weed control in coffee plants has great importance, as they compete for light, water and nutrients. The chemical control is the most used, emphasizing the glyphosate, however, when applied, drift... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, S. A. C.; BARROS NETO, B. de; NÓBREGA, A. C.; AZOUBEL, P. M. The apparent diffusion coefficients for sucrose and water during osmotic dehydration of jenipapos were determined. Long time experiments (up to 60 h) were carried out in order to determine equilibrium... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, S. O. de; FINGER, F. L.; LIMA, M. A. C. de; OLIVEIRA, A. H.; SANTOS, A. C. N. dos; AMARIZ, A.; PASSOS, M. C. L. M. S. In this work it was evaluate the combination of different concentration of AVG plus 10% sucrose applied as pulsing solution on the quality and longevity of Heliconia bihai. |
Autoria: AZOUBEL, P. M.; EL-AOUAR, A. A.; KUROZAWA, L. E.; ANTONIO, G. C.; MURR, F. E. X. The objective of this work was the study of osmotic dehydration of cashew apple slices in sucrose solutions as a function of temperature (30-50 0C), solution concentration (40-60% w/w) and immersion t... ... |
Autoria: SIMEONE, M. L. F.; PARRELLA, R. A. C.; SCHAFFERT, R. E.; DAMASCENO, C. M. B.; LEAL, M. C. B.; PASQUINI, C. Sweet sorghumis a very robust cropwhich has the potential to be used in ethanol production due to its high fermentable sugar content present in its stem juice, very similar to sugarcane. Therefore, fo... ... |
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