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Autoria: OMETTO, A.; BATISTELLA, M.; GUELERE FILHO, A.; CHUZEL, G.; VIAU, A. Sustainability is an emerging concept in product chains and integrates environmental, social, and economic aspects during the product's life cycle. Recently, the demand for environmental quality has r... ... |
Autoria: HANISCH, A. L.; NEGRELLE, R. R. B.; BONATTO, R. A.; NIMMO, E. R.; LACERDA, A. E. B. de Caívas are traditional silvopastoral systems that occur in the Araucaria Forest biome, Southern Brazil, in which animal production and erva-mate extraction are integrated. Participatory research was c... ... |
Autoria: COUTINHO, H. L. da C.; TURETTA, A. P. D.; MONTEIRO, J. M. G.; CASTRO, S. S. de; PIETRAFESA, J. P. The sugarcane expansion in Brazil from 1990 to 2015 increased crop area by 135.1%, which represents more than 10 million hectares. Brazilian ethanol production hit a record high in 2015, reaching 30 b... ... |
Autoria: TOSTO, S. G.; PEREIRA, L. C.; ROMEIRO, A. R.; MANGABEIRA, J. A. de C.
Autoria: CARON, P.; CRAUFURD, P.; MARTIN, A.; MCDONALD, A.; ABEDINI, W.; AFIFF, S.; BAKURIN, N.; BASS, S.; HILBECK, A.; JANSEN, T.; LHALOUI, S.; LOCK, K.; PRIMAVESI, O.; SENGOOBA, T. Assessment and analysis of AKST impacts; Agriculture productivity, production factors and consumption; impacts of akst on sustainability, through integrated technologies and the delivery of ecosystem... ... |
Autoria: CASAGRANDA, Y. G.; WISNIEWSKA-PALUSZAK, J.; PALUSZAK, G.; MORES, G. DE V.; DAL MORO, L.; MALAFAIA, G. C.; AZEVEDO, D. B. DE; ZHANG, D. Abstract - Brazil is one of the world’s biggest beef producers and its largest exporter. However, beef cattle ranching is a leading cause of deforestation and habitat conversion in the Brazilian Amazo... ... |
Autoria: LIU, J.; HULL, V.; BATISTELLA, M.; DEFRIES, R.; DIETZ, T.; FU, F.; HERTEL, T. W.; IZAURRALDE, R. C.; LAMBIN, E. F.; LI, S.; MARTINELLI, L. A.; MCCONNELL, W. J.; MORAN, E. F.; NAYLOR, R.; OUYANG, Z.; POLENSKE, K. R.; REENBERG, A.; ROCHA, G. DE M.; SIMMONS, C. S.; VERBURG, P. H.; VITOUSEK, P. M.; ZHANG, F.; ZHU, C. Interactions between distant places are increasingly widespread and influential, often leading to unexpected outcomes with profound implications for sustainability. Numerous sustainability studies hav... ... |
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