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Autoria: SILVA, R. O.; BARIONI, L. G.; HALL, J. A. J.; MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F.; ALBERTINI, T. Z.; FERNANDES, F. A.; MORAN, D. Reduced global meat consumption coupled with improved production efficiency is increasingly advanced as part of a sustainable agricultural intensification agenda to reduce harmful external costs, part... ... |
Sustainable intensification of Brazilian livestock production through optimized pasture restoration. Autoria: SILVA, R. de O.; BARIONI, L. G.; HALL, J. A. J; MORETTI, A. C.; VELOSO, R. F.; ALEXANDER, P.; CRESPOLINI, M.; MORAN, D. Grassland degradation compromises the profitability of Brazilian livestock production, and pasture recovery is a promising strategy for sustainable intensification of agriculture (SAI). Recovery incre... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, M. de A.; ALMEIDA, R. G. de; LAURA, V. A.; COSTA, F. P.; ALVES, F. V. This study analyses the economic viability of Carbon Neutral Brazilian Beef (CNBB), proposed by EMBRAPA, as an alternative for sustainable intensification of beef farming in Brazil. A 12-year cash flo... ... |
Autoria: PEDREIRA, B. C. e; DOMICIANO, L.; SOLLENBERGER, L. E.; PEREIRA, D. The increase in global demand for animal protein will likely require changes in the agricultural sector, including greater diversification and efficiency. To meet this demand, sustainable intensificat... ... |
Autoria: YUAN, S.; LINQUIST, B. A.; WILSON, L. T.; CASSMAN, K. G.; STUART, A. M.; PEDE, V.; MIRO, B.; SAITO, K.; AGUSTIANI, N.; ARISTYA, V. E.; KRISNADI, L. Y.; ZANON, A. J.; HEINEMANN, A. B.; CARRACELAS, G.; SUBASH, N.; BRAHMANAND, P. S.; LI, T.; PENG, S.; GRASSINI, P. Future rice systems must produce more grain while minimizing the negative environmental impacts. A key question is how to orient agricultural research & development (R&D) programs at national to globa... ... |
Autoria: VALENTIM, J. F.; ANDRADE, C. M. S. de; SALES, M. F. L.; ASSIS, G. M. L. de; SA, C. P. de; COSTA, F. de S. Brazil has 112 million hectares of cultivated pastures (IBGE, 2017), of which 52% are degraded and 25% in degradation (DIAS-FILHO, 2014), according to estimates. Livestock intensification is the main... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, D.; GUARDA, V. D. A.; SANTOS, V. R. V. dos; CAMPOS, L. J. M.; ALCANTARA, P. H. R. de; SIMON, J.; ALVES, R. R.; PEDREIRA, B. C. e; QUEIROZ, FABIANA MATOS; CARDOSO, DIOGO DA SILVA; MONTEIRO, HIGOR CARVALHO Cattle raising is among the main Brazilian economic activities. Currently, there are 169 million hectares covered by tropical grasslands and 30% of this area is degraded. In the last 40 years, the are... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, J. G. da; OLIVEIRA NETO, S. N. de; CANTO, A. C. B. do; LEITE, F. F. G. D.; CORDEIRO, F. R.; ASSAD, L. T.; SILVA, G. C. C.; MARQUES, R. de O.; CARDOSO, M. S. L. D.; FERREIRA, I. G. M.; CONCEIÇÃO, M. C. G. da; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R. The Amazon and the Atlantic Forest are Brazilian biomes that suffered an intense land use and land cover change, marked by the loss of native forest and expansion of agriculture and livestock. This ar... ... |
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