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Autoria: FERNANDEZ, I. M.; CHAGAS, E. A.; MELO FILHO, A. A. de; MALDONADO, S. A. S.; SANTOS, R. C. dos; RIBEIRO, P. R. E.; CHAGAS, P. C.; MELO, A. C. G. R. de
Autoria: VASCONCELOS, A. D. M.; FERREIRA, J. C. B.; MEIRA, R. O.; SILVA-CARDOSO, I. M. de A.; NEVES, J. dos S.; SOUZA, A. M. de; SOUZA, A. L. X. de; PEREIRA, J. E. S. The palm Euterpe precatoria holds great social, cultural, and environmental importance. The heart of palm and the fruit are the main products used for industrialization due to their energetic properti... ... |
Autoria: ANTONIASSI, R.; FREITAS, S. C. de; SILVA, T. dos S.; SANTIAGO, M. C. P. de A.; WILHELM, A. E.; JUNQUEIRA, N. T. V. Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) has mainly been evaluated as an oil source focused on biodiesel production. Furthermore, the fruit mesocarp and kernel are edible, and candies, jelly, sweet alcoholic liqu... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE JÚNIOR, W. V.; OLIVEIRA NETO, C. F.; SANTOS FILHO, B. G.; CRUZ, E. D.; AMARANTE, C. B.; VINÍCIUS, S. F.; NOGUEIRA, G. A. S.; NASCIMENTO, V. R.; SOUSA, D. J. P.; TEIXEIRA, J. S. S. Virola surinamensis is a forest species widely distributed in the estuaries of the Amazon. These ecosystems are susceptible to contamination by Cadmium (Cd), indicating that the plant has strategies f... ... |
In vitro assessment of the antihyperglycemic and antioxidant properties of araçá, butiá and pitanga. Autoria: VINHOLES, J.; LEMOS, G.; BARBIERI, R. L.; FRANZON, R. C.; VIZZOTTO, M.
Autoria: MOREIRA, A. L.; BERCHELLI, T. T.; REIS, R. A.; RUGGIERI, A. C.; SIMILI, F. F.; FAGUNDES, J. L.; GOMIDE, C. A. de M. An experiment was conducted during the 2001-2002 winter-spring-summer to determine the nitrogen and carbohydrate fractions in Tifton-85 pastures exclusively or overseeded with oats, millet and sorghum... ... |
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