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Autoria: VIENCZ, T.; ACRE, L. B.; ROCHA, R. B.; ALVES, E. A.; RAMALHO, A. R.; BENASSI, M. de T. This study characterizes the composition profile of Coffea canephora coffees of good beverage quality produced in the Brazilian Western Amazon. Samples corresponded to 57 Robusta clones and 10 interva... ... |
Autoria: TADEU, H. C.; XIMENES, V. F.; LOPES, M. T. G.; ESPINDULA, M. C.; ALVES, A. P. de C.; BORÉM, F. M. Coffea canephora beans are used for various industrial purposes, among which the use as soluble coffees stands out for producing beverages in blends with Coffea arabica. Due to the increase in demand,... ... |
Autoria: RIBEIRO, D. E.; BOREM, F. M.; CIRILLO, M. A.; PRADO, M. V. B.; FERRAZ, V. P.; ALVES, H. M. R.; TAVEIRA, J. H. da S. The present study was carried out to analyze chemical descriptors present in the raw coffee bean and to establish an association of these descriptors with the sensorial quality of the coffee beverage,... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, R. F. dos; SANTOS, A. D. C.; OLIVEIRA, A. P. de; DUTRA, L. M.; TELES, P. H. V.; MELO, N. F. de; ALMEIDA, J. R. G. S. Passiflora cincinnata Mast. is a native species from the Caatinga biome (Brazil), commonly known as “maracujá-do-mato” and “maracujá-da-Caatinga”. P. cincinnata leaves were subjected to microextractio... ... |
Autoria: VIENCZ, T.; ACRE, L. B.; RAMALHO, A. R.; ROCHA, R. B.; ALVES, E. A.; BENASSI, M. T. Rondonia State in Brazil stands out for the research in genetical enhancement of Coffea canephora species, obtaining highly productive and resistant plants, that can also lead to specialty coffees. Hi... ... |
Autoria: ACRE, L. B.; VIENCZ, T.; ROCHA, R. B.; ALVES, E. A.; BENASSI, M. T. This research aimed to compare the composition profiles of roasted Coffea canephora varieties (conilon, robusta, and intervarietal hybrids) grown in the Western Amazon. Ten coffees of each variety wer... ... |
Autoria: SABINO, A. R.; TAVARES, S. S.; RIFFEL, A.; LI, J. V.; OLIVEIRA, D. J. A.; FERES, C. I. M. A.; HENRIQUE, L.; OLIVEIRA, J. S.; CORREIA, G. D. S.; SABINO, A. R.; NASCIMENTO, T. G.; HAWKES, G.; SANTANA, A. E. G.; HOLMES, E.; BENDO, E. S. Sugarcane(Saccharum officinarum)has been considered one of the most efficient energy crops, but its productionyield is sensitive to outbreaks of pest insects, especially the sugarcane borerDiatraea sa... ... |
Autoria: DUTRA, L. M.; TELES, P. H. V.; SANTOS, A. D. da C.; MELO, N. F. de; NAGATA, N.; ALMEIDA, J. R. G. da S. The species of the genus Passiflora (Passifloraceae family) have been used as food, cosmetic and traditional herbal. As a result, the Passiflora species are widely cultivated and has an economic, medi... ... |
Autoria: LEROY, T.; DE BELLIS, F.; LEGNATE, H.; KANANURA, E.; GONZALES, G.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; ANDRADE, A. C.; CHARMETANT, P.; MONTAGNON, C.; CUBRY, P.; MARRACCINI, P.; POT, D.; KOCHKO, A. de Coffea canephora breeding requires combining sustainable productivity with improved technological and cup quality characteristics. Beverage quality is a complex and subjective trait, and breeding for... ... |
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