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Autoria: SILVA, K. E. da; MARTINS, S. V.; ALVES, T. C. V. The use of spatially explicit neighbourhood approach helps to understand the processes which structure and guide tree communities over space and time, contributing for the conservation and forest mana... ... |
Autoria: SIDDIQUE, I.; VIEIRA, I. C. G.; SCHIMIDT, S.; LAMB, D.; CARVALHO, C. J. R. de; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; BLOMBERG, S.; DAVIDSON, E. A. Nutrient enrichment is increasingly affecting many tropical ecosystems, but there is no information on how this affects tree biodiversity. To examine dynamics in vegetation structure and tree species... ... |
Autoria: FERNANDES-CARVALHO-DE-ANDRADE, D.; RUSCHEL, A. R.; SCHWARTZ, G.; PEREIRA-DE-CARVALHO, J. O.; VASCONCELLOS-GAMA, J. R. Aim of study: To assess structure, recruitment and mortality rates of tree species over almost three decades, 14 years before and 15 years after a forest fire. Materials and methods: All trees ≥... ... |
Autoria: BARMPOUTIS, P.; STATHAKI, T.; LLOYD, J.; MOURA, M. S. B. de; CARVALHO, H. F. de S. To protect the value and potential of wood and forests, forest commissions, environmental agencies and scientists are focused on innovative solutions for environmental monitoring and management. To th... ... |
Autoria: DAL'BÓ, G. A.; SAMPAIO, F. G.; LOSEKANN, M. E.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; LUIZ, A. J. B.; WOLF, V. H. G.; GONÇALVES, V. T.; CARRA, M. L. Abstract: The use and validation of fish health monitoring tools have become increasingly evident due to aquaculture expansion. This study investigated the hematology and blood morphometrics of Piarac... ... |
Autoria: SIMÕES, L. H. P.; GUILLEMOT, J.; RONQUIM, C. C.; WEIDLICH, E. W. A.; MUYS, B.; FUZA, M. S.; LIMA, R. A.; BRANCALION, P. H. S. Abstract: Tree monocultures constitute an increasing fraction of the global tree cover and are the dominant tree- growing strategy of forest landscape restoration commitments. Their advantages to prod... ... |
Autoria: CYSNEIROS, V. C.; DALMASO, C. A.; PELISSARI, A. L.; MATTOS, P. P. de; SOUZA, L. de; MACHADO, S. do A. Knowledge of spatial patterns and interactions of tree species allows for understanding the ecological processes of spatiotemporal structures of tropical forests, becoming essential for the establishm... ... |
Autoria: LEDO, A. da S.; ALMEIDA, C. S.; MUNIZ, A. V. C. da S.; SILVA JUNIOR, J. F. da; ARAUJO, A. G. de
Autoria: MUNIZ, A. V. C. da S.; RABBANI, A. R. C.; SENA FILHO, J. G. de; ALMEIDA, C. S.; FEITOSA, R. B.
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