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Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; SOTES RUIZ, V.; ZANUS, M. C.; MONTES, C.; ULIARTE, E. M.; BRUNO, L. A.; CLIMACO, P.; PENA, A.; GUERRA, C. C.; CATANIA, C. D.; KOHLBERG, E. K.; PEREIRA, G. E.; RICARDO-DA-SILVA, J.-M.; RAGOUT, J. V.; NAVARRO, L. V.; LAUREANO, O.; DE CASTRO, R.; DEL MONTE, R. F.; DEL MONTE, S. A.; GOMEZ-MIGUEL, V.; CARBONNEAU, A. Aim: This study is part of a CYTED (Ibero-American Program for Science, Technology and Development) project on vitivinicultural zoning. The objective was to characterize the effect of viticultural cli... ... |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; RUIZ, V. S.; ZANUS, M. C.; MONTESL, C.; ULLARTE, E. M.; BRUNO, L. A. T.; CLLMAC0, P.; PENA, A.; GUERRA, C. C.; CATANIA, C. D.; KOHLBERG, E. J.; PEREIRA, G. E.; RICARDO-DA-SILVA, J. M.; RAGOUTI, J. V.; NAVARRO, L. V.; LAUREAN0, O.; CASTR0, R. de; DEL MONTE, R. F.; DEL MONTE, S. A. de; GOMEZ-MIGUEL, V.; CARBONNEAU, A. There are many studies in the world that characterize the effect of the climate on grape composition and wine characteristics and typicity conceming different viticultural regions. However, the same i... ... |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; SOTEZ RUIZ, V.; ZANUS, M. C.; MONTES, C.; MARTÍN ULIARTE, E.; ANTELO BRUNO, L.; CLIMACO, P.; PEÑA, A.; GUERRA, C. C.; CATANIA, C. D.; KOHLBERG, E. J.; PEREIRA, G. E.; RICARDO-DA-SILVA, J. M.; VIDAL RAGOUT, J.; VIDA NAVARRO, L.; LAUREANO, O.; CASTRO, R. de; MONTE, R. F. del; MONTE, S. A. de del; GOMEZ-MIGUEL, V.; CARBONNEAU, A. There are many studies in the world that characterize the effect os the climate on grape composition and wine characteristcs and typicity concerning different viticultural regions. |
Autoria: MANIERO, C. R.; CONTRERAS SÁNCHEZ. C. A.; OLIVEIRA, E. R.; CAMPOS, L. S.; OLIVEIRA, J. B.; PEREIRA, G. E.; TECCHIO, M. A. The 'Malbec" cultivar (Vitis vinifera), of French origin, has consolidated its cultivation in Argentine vineyards, in the region near the Andes Mountains and irrigated by the Mendonza RIver, resulting... ... |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; SOTES RUIZ, V.; ZANUS, M. C.; MONTES, C.; ULIARTE, E. M.; ANTELO BRUNO, L.; CLIMACO, P.; PEÑA, A.; GUERRA, C. C.; CATANIA, C. D.; KOHLBERG, E. J.; PEREIRA, G. E.; RICARDO-DA-SILVA, J. M.; VIDAL RAGOUT, J.; VIDA NAVARRO, L.; LAUREANO, O.; CASTRO, R. de; MONTE, R. F. del; MONTE, S. A. de del; GOMEZ-MIGUEL, V.; CARBONNEAU, A. There are many studies in the world that characterize the effect of the climate on grape composition and wine characteristics and typicity concerning different viticultural regions. However, the same... ... |
Autoria: FARIAS, T. F.; ARAÚJO, A. J. de; SILVA, G. G. S.; OLIVEIRA, J. B. de; NASCIMENTO, R. L.; BIASOTO, A. C. T.; PEREIRA, G. E. The Sub-middle São Francisco River Valley is located in Northeast Brazil and stands out as an important fine wine produced region in the country, representing 15% of national production. The tropical... ... |
Autoria: MORAIS, S. DE M.; GALVÃO, M. DE S.; CARVALHO, L. M. DE; OLEGARIO, O. S.; PEREIRA, G. E.; ANDRADE LIMA, L. L. DE; SILVA, F. L. H. DA; MADRUGA, M. S. The present research aimed to identify the volatile profle of sparkling wines from São Francisco Valley, which products will have soon the Geographical Indication requested by the producers. Volatile... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, I. S.; BARROS, A. P. A.; SILVA, G. A. da; AGUSTINI, B. C.; BIASOTO, A. C. T. The thermovinification technique, as a replacement for traditional maceration, is primarily applied to increase the extraction of phenolic compounds and may impact the yeast growth dynamics during alc... ... |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; SOTÉS RUIZ, V.; MONTES, C.; MARTÍN ULIARTE, E.; ANTELO BRUNO, L.; CLÍMACO, P.; PÉREZ ACEVEDO, Y.; VALENZUELA-SOLANO, C.; HATTA SAKODA, B.; CARBONNEAU, A. The wine production is an important activity in many Ibero-American countries. The wine producer regions of these countries configure a large use of different climate types and viticultural climates.... ... |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; RUIZ, V. S.; MONTES, C.; ULLARTE. E. M.; BRUNO, L. A.; CLÍMACO, P.; ACEVEDO, Y. P.; VALENZUELA-SOLANO, C.; SAKODA, B. H.; CARBONNEAU, A. Thewine production is an important activity in many Ibero-American countries. The wine producer regions of these countriesconfigure a large use of different c1imate types and viticultural climates. ln... ... |
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