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The parasite Neospora caninum is the main cause of abortion in cattle in many countries around the world, so a vaccine is a rational approach method for the control of the disease. An effective vaccin... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2018

Abstract: Senecavirus A (SVA) is a picornavirus that is endemic in swine, causing a vesicular disease clinically indistinguishable from other vesicular diseases, like foot-and-mouth disease. The wides... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2024

Vaccinia virus is responsible for an important zoonotic disease affecting dairy cattle and humans in Brazil, but little is known about the origin, epidemiology and evolution of these Brazilian Vaccini... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2008

Nucleotide sequence comparison of the internal region of the ati gene of members of the Orthopoxvirus genera revealed that this gene is variable among different species, although within members of the... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2007

Efficient vaccines are the main strategy to control the avian coronavirus (AvCoV), although several drawbacks related to traditional attenuated and inactivated vaccines have been reported. These count... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2021

Enterotoxemia in sheep and in goats is caused by the effects of the epsilon toxin of C/ostridium perfringens type D, being considered the main infectious cause of mortality in those animal species. Th... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2008

Abstract: Background: Influenza A virus (IAV) is endemic in pigs globally and co-circulation of genetically and antigenically diverse virus lineages of subtypes H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 is a challenge for... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2023

Abstract Background: Influenza A virus (IAV) causes respiratory disease in pigs and is a major concern for public health. Vaccination of pigs is the most successful measure to mitigate the impact of t... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2023

Tick infestation may cause several problems including affecting domestic animal health and reducing the production of meat and milk, among others. Resistance to several classes of acaricides have been... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2016


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