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Autoria: AVANZI, J. C.; SILVA, M. L. N.; CURI, N.; NORTON, L. D.; BESKOW, S.; MARTINS, S. G. The process of water erosion occurs in watersheds throughout the world and it is strongly affected by anthropogenic influences. Thus, the knowledge of these processes is extremely necessary for planni... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, M. A. da; SILVA, M. L. N.; CURI, N.; OLIVEIRA, A. H.; AVANZI, J. C.; NORTON, L. D. Eucalyptus plantations are normally found in vulnerable ecosystems such as steep slope, soil with low natural fertility and lands that were degraded by agriculture. The objective of this study was to... ... |
Autoria: RIEGER, F. A.; ZOLIN, C. A.; PAULINO, J.; SOUZA, A. P. de; MATOS, E. da S.; MAGALHAES, C. A. de S.; FARIAS NETO, A. L. de Water erosion is one of the main factors driving soil degradation, which has large economic and environmental impacts. Agricultural production systems that are able to provide soil and water conservat... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, R. R. M.; FERREIRA, V. M. this study illustrates that SWAT could potentially be a beneficial support tool for use in the Vertentes do Rio Grande Watershed. However issues of data scarcity in the area will need to be resolved,... ... |
Autoria: MERLO, M. N.; AVANZI, J. C.; SILVA, L. de C. M. da; ARAGÃO, O. O. da S.; BORGHI, E.; MOREIRA, F. M. de S.; THEBALDI, M. S.; RESENDE, A. V. de; SILVA, M. L. N.; SILVA, B. M. Many researchers have reported relationships of physical and chemical properties with water erosion; however, little is known about microbiological properties in this context. Thus, the aim of this st... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, A. H.; SILVA, M. L. N.; CURI, N.; AVANZI, J. C.; KLINKE NETO, G.; ARAÚJO, E. F. The constant increasing of eucalyptus forest areas in Brazil requires an accurate monitoring of water erosion. The present study aimed to evaluate soil, nutrients and organic carbon losses occasioned... ... |
Autoria: VILLELA, J. M.; ANACHE, J. A. A.; WATANABE, A. M.; FLANAGAN, D. C.; CRESTANA, S. abstract Socioeconomic and environmental losses caused by water erosion have highlighted the importance of quantifying and understanding the dynamics of soil redistribution in the landscape to develop... ... |
Autoria: CAMELO, A. P.; SANCHES, K.; MATRICARDI, E. A. T.; SANO, E. E.; SOUZA, A. N. de; MIGUEL, E. P. Soil loss stands as a critical global challenge, posing economic and environmental threats to soil and water conservation. This study aimed to assess the impact of landscape changes on soil loss in th... ... |
Autoria: COELHO, M. R.; LUMBRERAS, J. F.; AMARAL, A. J. do; VASQUES, G. M.; BACA, J. F. M.; DART, R. de O.; PEDREIRA, J. P. das N. C. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o mapeamento semiquantitativo, a partir do qual se elaborou uma aproximação quantitativa da erodibilidade dos solos do Brasil, ou seja, do fator K do modelo de p... ... |
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