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Autoria: RODRÍGUEZ OSUNA, V.; BÖRNER, J.; NEHREN, U.; GAESE, H.; PRADO, R. B. The Guapi-Macacu watershed is located in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, has a drainage area of about 1.640 km2, and drains into the Guanabara Bay northeast of the metropolitan area. The upper... ... |
Autoria: RODRÍGUEZ OSUNA, V.; BORNER, J.; NEHREN, U.; PRADO, R. B.; GAESE, H.; HEINRICH, J. The Brazilian Atlantic forest is considered a global biodiversity hotspot, harbouring a large number of endemic species, and providing essential watershed services to millions of urban water users. Ho... ... |
Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; GREEN, T. R.; GONÇALVES, A. O.; SIMIOLI, M. M.; JESUS, T. V. U. C.; CRUZ, P. P. N. da; REIS, L. C.; PICCOLO, M. C.; CAMARGO, P. B. de The 12-km2 Ribeirão das Posses Watershed (RPW), which is dominated by Ultisols and Inceptisols, is located in the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. RPW discharges into the Jaguarí River, one of the most... ... |
Autoria: CRUZ, P. P. N.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; GREEN, T. R. Southeastern Brazil is under a period of drought that has impacted the conservation of watersheds and the management of water quality and quantity for agricultural and urban demands. In this context a... ... |
Autoria: RODRÍGUEZ OSUNA, V.; BÖRNER, J.; NEHREN, U.; PRADO, R. B.; GAESE, H.; HEINRICH, J. Introduction: Land use intensification and urbanisation processes are degrading hydrological ecosystem services in the Guapi-Macacu watershed of Rio de Janeiro. A proposal to pay farmers to restore na... ... |
Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; PEREIRA, A. S.; COSTA, C. F. G.; TORRESAN, F. E.; LEIVAS, J. F.; FILIZOLA, H. F.; SONODA, K. C.; REIS, L. C.; SOUZA, M. D. de; GOMES, M. A. F.; ZUCCARI, M. L.; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; PICCOLO, M. C.; TANK, M.; CRUZ, P. P. N.; PAMPLIN, P. A. Z.; CAMARGO, P. B. de; BOEIRA, R. C.; BARIZON, R. R. M.; PEREIRA, S. E. M.; PAZIANOTTO, R. A. A.; GREEN, T. R.; FERRACINI, V. L. The headwaters of the Jaguari river basin are strategically important to the water resources in the largest reservoir system of the São Paulo state, called ?Cantareira?, which has recently suffered th... ... |
Autoria: CHAVES, J. V. B.; SILVA, J. dos S. V. da Resumo. O desenvolvimento econômico trouxe consigo grandes avanços tecnológicos, no entanto, o alto grau de exploração de recursos naturais resultou em sua degradação, causando impactos na biodiversid... ... |
Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; SIMIOLI, M. M.; JESUS, T. V. U. C.; CRUZ, P. P. N. da; SILVA, G. B. S. da; NOGUEIRA, S. F.; GREEN, T. R.; CAMARGO, P. B. de Abstract: We investigated the fluvial geochemistry of two catchments at different stages in the forest recovery process which have been a focus of an Environmental Services Payment (ESP) program in Br... ... |
Influence of land use on the hydrobiogeochemistry of the Camanducaia and Jaguari watersheds, Brazil. Autoria: COSTA, C. F. G.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; CAMARGO, P. B. de; PICCOLO, M. C.; MAZZI, E. A.; REIS, L. C.; ZUCCARI, M. L.; GREEN, T. R.; FERRACINI, V. L. Two medium-sized watersheds of the Piracicaba river basin, the Camanducaia and Jaguari subbasins,are being studied to evaluate the effects of land use change on the basin?s hydrobiogeochemistry. The J... ... |
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