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Autoria: CRUZ, P. P. N.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; GREEN, T. R. Southeastern Brazil is under a period of drought that has impacted the conservation of watersheds and the management of water quality and quantity for agricultural and urban demands. In this context a... ... |
Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; BORNER, J.; DAVIDSON, E. A. Abstract: Several hydrobiogeochemical research activities have been conducted in the Eastern Amazon, contributing to the understanding of how changes in forests and agro-ecosystems affect ecosystem se... ... |
Autoria: RODRÍGUEZ OSUNA, V.; BÖRNER, J.; NEHREN, U.; GAESE, H.; PRADO, R. B. The Guapi-Macacu watershed is located in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, has a drainage area of about 1.640 km2, and drains into the Guanabara Bay northeast of the metropolitan area. The upper... ... |
Autoria: CRUZ, P. P. N.; GREEN, T. R.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; PEREIRA, A. S.; KIPKA, H.; SAAD, S. I.; SILVA, J. M. da; GOMES, M. A. F. Abstract: Southeastern Brazil has recently experienced drought conditions that have impacted watershed conservation and the management of water quality and quantity for agricultural and urban demands.... ... |
Autoria: RODRÍGUEZ OSUNA, V.; BÖRNER, J.; NEHREN, U.; PRADO, R. B.; GAESE, H.; HEINRICH, J. Introduction: Land use intensification and urbanisation processes are degrading hydrological ecosystem services in the Guapi-Macacu watershed of Rio de Janeiro. A proposal to pay farmers to restore na... ... |
Autoria: GREEN, T. R.; ERSKINE, R. H; DAVID, O.; KIPKA, H.; LIGHTHART, N.; McMASTER, G. S.; CRUZ, P. P. N. da; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O. Soil hydraulic properties that control water storage flow rates can vary markedly in space, and surface layers may vary temporally due to management events, reconsolidation and biological activity. Fi... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA, J. N.; PINHEIRO, H. S. K.; BUENO, M. M.; CARVALHO JUNIOR, W. de; PEREIRA, N. R.; CARVALHO, D. C. de; SOARES, P. F. C. The environmental resilience is strictly dependent of water availability. The identification of priority areas is important to conservation aid land-use planning and urban expansion, conservation, and... ... |
Autoria: FERNANDES, G. W.; RAMOS, L.; JUSTINO, W. de S.; KENEDY-SIQUEIRA, W.; FIGUEIREDO, J. C. G.; OKI, Y.; GOULART, F. F.; SANTOS, R. M. dos; VIANA, J. H. M.; NUNES, Y. R. F.; AGUILAR, R.; POORTER, L.; SANDE, M. T. van der; NEGREIROS, D. The collapse of a mining tailings dam in 2015 drastically affected a large area of an already threatened Atlantic Forest along the Rio Doce in Brazil. We evaluated the interactions between edaphic and... ... |
Autoria: WENDT, D. E.; RODRIGUES, L. N.; DIJKSMA, R.; VAN DAM, J. C. A demanda por alimentos no Brasil cresceu substancialmente devido, entre outras coisas, ao aumento da classe média. O Cerrado brasileiro é um dos poucos lugares no país onde a agricultura ainda pode e... ... |
Autoria: GALDINO, S.; MARINHO, M. DE A.; SILVA, J. dos S. V. da Pasture degradation is currently one of Brazil's agriculture main problems. Pasture areas grown on Quartzipsamments (RQ) at the Alto Taquari watershed (BAT) are important sources of sediments which in... ... |
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