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Autoria: GALON, L.; SANTIN, C. O.; ANDRES, A.; BASSO, F. J. M.; NONEMACHER, F.; AGAZZI, L. R.; SILVA, A. F. da; HOLZ, C. M.; FERNANDES, F. F. The objective of this work was to determine the competitive interaction of sweet sorghum cultivars BRS 506, BRS509, and BRS 511 with biotypes of Alexandergrass and wild poinsettia. The adopted experim... ... |
Autoria: REZENDES, I.; BASEGGIO, E. R.; GALON, L.; BRANDLER, D.; FORTE, C. T.; ASPIAZÚ, I.; FRANCESCHETTI, M. B.; SILVA, A. F. da The use of allelopathy emerges as an alternative method for weed management in crops, especially in small vegetable producing properties. Thus, the objective of this work was to identify possible alle... ... |
Autoria: VOGT, G. A.; BALBINOT JUNIOR, A. A.; TREZZI, M. M.; BACKES, R. L.; NICKNICH, W. ABSTRACT: The morpho-physiologic characteristics of common bean plants can affect their competitive ability with weeds. The objective of this work was to evaluate the competitive ability of black bean... ... |
Autoria: CARATTI, F. C.; LAMEGO, F. P.; REINEHR, M.; FABIANI, M. F.; MAZZON, M. The usage of cover crops is an adopted cultural measure that shows positive effects when associated with the no-till system and weed management. During the cycle of the plants there might be competiti... ... |
Autoria: LOPEZ, K. J. A.; LUCAS, D. G. R.; CHIAPINOTTO, D. M.; GOMES, C. B.; AGOSTINETTO, D.; ARAUJO FILHO, J. V. de ABSTRACT: We evaluated the host suitability of the weeds associated with rice crops regarding Meloidogyne ottersoni and M. graminicola. Both plant-parasitic nematodes can develop in Oryza sativa, but... ... |
Autoria: THIEL, C. H.; DAVID, F. A. de; GALON, L.; DEUNER, S.; FORTE, C. T.; PERIN, G. F.; DAVID, P. R. de; MOSSI, A. J.; ANDRES, A.; CONCENCO, G.
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