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Autoria: VALENTIM, J. F.; VOSTI, S. A. These challenges are set alongside new opportunities provided by new and better-performing markets; new technology; some marked shifts in the political climate at the local, state, and international l... ... |
Autoria: ASSIS, G. M. L. de; VALLE, C. B. do; ANDRADE, C. M. S. de; VALENTIM, J. F. Brachiaria humidicola is a perennial and stoloniferous forage grass, with excellent adaptation to infertile soils and waterlogging. Producers in northern Brazil have become interested in this species,... ... |
Autoria: ANDERSEN, H. E.; REUTEBUCH, S. E.; MCGAUGHEY, R. J.; OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. D.; KELLER, M. The objective of this study was to test the use of repeat flight, airborne laser scanning data (lidar) for estimating changes associatedwith low-impact selective logging (approx. 10?15 m3 ha−1 =... ... |
Autoria: BRITO, L. G.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. de S.; ROCHA, R. B.; SILVA NETTO, F. G. D.; MARIM, A. D.; SOUZA, G. C. R. de; VENDRAME, F. B.; MOURA, M. M. da F. O presente estudo fornece os primeiros dados epidemiológicos relativos a infecção por Anaplasma marginale em bovinos criados na Amazônia Sul Ocidental brasileira. Foi adaptado um procedimento simples... ... |
Autoria: RUEDA, B. L.; McROBERTS, K. C.; BLAKE, R. W.; NICHOLSON, C. F.; VALENTIM, J. F.; FERNANDES, E. C. M. Low-input cultivated pastures to feed cattle have dominated land use after forest clearing for decades in the western Brazilian Amazon. This study was undertaken to help understand the inherent nutrie... ... |
Autoria: RUDNICK, V. A. de S.; VIEIRA JÚNIOR, J. R.; FERNANDES, C. de F.; ROCHA, R. B.; TEIXEIRA, A. L.; RAMALHO, A. R.; ESPINDULA, M. C.; SANTOS, A. V.; ANJOS, E. F. M. dos; UCHÔA, F. P. Root-knot disease is among the main diseases affecting coffee crop. The plant selection to the development new resistant cultivars is among one the most efficient methods of control. The present work... ... |
Autoria: DALAZEN, J. R.; ROCHA, R. B.; PEREIRA, L. L.; ALVES, E. A.; ESPINDULA, M. C.; SOUZA, C. A. de Most of the Western Amazon coffee production is made from growing unregistered clones, selected by the coffee growers themselves. The aim of this study is to evaluate the sensory profile and genetic d... ... |
Autoria: KAINER, K. A.; WADT, L. H. de O.; GOMES-SILVA, D. A. P.; CAPANU, M. Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) is a long-lived emergent, distributed throughout much of the Amazon?s terra firme forests, and lianas that climb this forest dominant are in a superior positio... ... |
Autoria: ROCHA, R. B.; TEIXEIRA, A. L.; RAMALHO, A. R.; ESPINDULA, M. C.; LUNZ, A. M. P.; SOUZA, F. de F. Gain from selection is an important criterion in quantifying the efficiency of breeding programs. This study quantified the selection gain estimated under experimental conditions and realized gain ach... ... |
Autoria: BEBER, P. M.; ASSIS, G. M. L. de; CLEMENCIO, R. de M.; JANK, L. The knowledge of the genetic parameters of bromatological traits in forages is essential to support the selection of genotypes that will be released as new cultivars. The objectives of this study were... ... |