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Autoria: FAUSTINE, C.; HOFFMANN, L. V.; TIBAZARWA, F. I.; LUKONGE, E. Fusarium wilt of cotton caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum Atk. Sny & Hans is one of the major diseases of cotton in Tanzania. Resistant varieties provide useful tools for management of th... ... |
Autoria: ARRIELA, D. A. A.; GUIMARÃES, L. M. da S.; RESENDE, M. D. V. de; LIMA NETO, F. P.; SILVA, D. F. S. H. S.; SIQUEIRA, D. L. de; ALFENAS, A. C. Ceratocystis wilt, caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata is one of the most serious limiting factors for mango production in Brazil. Despite efforts in the selection and the identification of mango cultiva... ... |
Autoria: LOPES, C. A.; CARVALHO, A. D. F. de; PEREIRA, A. da S.; EMYGDIO, B. M.; AZEVEDO, F. Q.; CASTRO, C. M.; ROSSATO, M. The objective of this pre-breeding activity of the Brazilian potato breeding project was to obtain superior bacterial wilt (BW)-resistant clones free from undesirable traits found on wild species. |
Autoria: PEREIRA, D. G.; FARIA, L. C. de; TORGA, P. P.; SOUZA, T. L. P. O.; MELO, L. C.; PEREIRA, H. S. Fusarium wilt is a serious soil disease affecting common bean cultivation, especially crops under a central pivot irrigation system. Our objective was to identify bean lines that combine resistance to... ... |
Autoria: MIZUBUTI, E. S. G.; YAMADA, J. K.; SANTIAGO, T. R.; LOPES, C. A. Dispersal of Ralstonia spp. cells by water and contaminated plant material and the importance of weeds as inoculum sources have been poorly investigated. Water of rivers, soil from fields of diverse c... ... |
Autoria: MELO, L. C.; PEREIRA, H. S.; FARIA, L. C. de; SOUZA, T. L. P. O. de; WENDLAND, A.; CABRERA DIAZ, J. L.; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; MELO, C. L. P. de; COSTA, A. F. da; MAGALDI, M. C. de S.; COSTA, J. G. C. da BRS FC402 is a common bean cultivar of the carioca-grain group with commercial grain quality, suitable for cultivation in 21 Brazilian states. Cultivar has a normal cycle (85-94 days), high yield pote... ... |
Autoria: MIHOVILOVICH, E.; LOPES, C. A.; GUTARRA, L.; BONIERBALE, M.; LINQVIST-KREUZE, H.; ALEY, P.; PRIOU, S. This protocol is an updated version of ?Assessing potato clone field resistance to bacterial wilt? issued in The International Cooperators? Guide (CIP 2007). The first edition of the protocol presente... ... |
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