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Autoria: RODRIGUES, G. S.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; SAMPAIO, F. G.; FRASCÁ-SCORVO, C. M. D.; COUTO, K. R.; RODRIGUES, I. A. Abstract: The promotion of sustainable aquaculture depends on the documented adoption of Best Management Practices (BMPs), associated with the monitoring of environmental health, of the availability o... ... |
Autoria: PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; FRASCÁ-SCORVO, C. M. D.; LOSEKANN, M. E.; HISANO, H.; SCORVO FILHO, J.; SILVA, C. A. da; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; SAMPAIO, F. G.; INOUE, L. A. K. A.; BERGAMIN, G. T.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; PAZZIANOTTO, C. B. The present work presents the validated version of the computer system to support Best Management Practices (BPM) and Environmental Management for aquaculture in Brazil ? Aquisys 1.3, resulting from A... ... |
Autoria: PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; FRASCÁ-SCORVO, C. M. D.; LOSEKANN, M. E.; HISANO, H.; SCORVO FILHO, J. D.; SILVA, C. A.; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; SAMPAIO, F. G.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; PAZZIANOTTO, C. B. The present work presents the validated version of the computer system to support Best Management Practices (BPM) and Environmental Management for aquaculture in Brazil ? Aquisys 1.3, resulting from A... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, G. S.; STUCHI, E. S.; ALBUQUERQUE, A. F. A. de; BARIZON, R. R. M.; GIRARDI, E. A. This study refers to the assessment of environmental impacts caused by the incidence of HLB in Brazil, as well as the adoption of Good Management Practices (GMP) and specific actions of disease contro... ... |
Autoria: SERRA, A. P.; MARCHETTI, M. E.; DUPAS, E.; ENSINAS, S. C.; LOURENTE, E. R. P.; SILVA, E. F. da; ALMEIDA, R. G. de; CARDUCCI, C. E.; ALOVISI, A. M. T. There is a concern about the growing population and limitation in natural resources which are taking the population to direct its agricultural systems into a more productive and efficient activity, lo... ... |
Autoria: PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; SEIXAS, A. F. R.; LOSEKANN, M. E.; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; PAZZIANOTTO, C. B.; INOUE, L. A. K. A.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de
Autoria: MARTÍNI, A. F.; FAVARETTO, N.; DE BONA, F. D.; DURÃES, M. F.; SOUZA, L. C. de P.; GOULARTE, G. D. Worldwide, agriculture is considered one of the main activities that influence water quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of soil use and management on water quality at th... ... |
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