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Autoria: BONGIOLO, E. S.; KAINER, K. A.; CROPPER, W.; STAUDHAMMER, C. L.; WADT, L. H. de O. Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.) is considered the cornerstone non-timber species of Amazonian conservation. Nuts (or seeds) of this massive tree are harvested by local people living in and ne... ... |
Autoria: DENICH, M.; VIELHAUER, K.; KATO, M. do S. A.; BLOCK, A.; KATO, O. R.; SÁ, T. D. de A.; LÜCKE, W.; VLEK, P. L. G. The slash-and-burn practice of land preparation that farmers use traditionally in forest-based fallow systems in the humid tropics causes land degradation and human health hazards. As an alternative t... ... |
Autoria: FREITAS, T. C. de; GOMES, G. C.; MOLINA, A. R.; GUARINO, E. de S. G.; ISERHARD, C. A.; BELTRAME, R. One of the main barriers to restoration is the arrival of diaspores in degraded areas. However, this process can be hampered in open areas without trees in the landscape. For that, artificial perches... ... |
Autoria: RANGEL-VASCONCELOS, L. G. T.; KATO, O. R.; VASCONCELOS, S. S.; OLIVEIRA, F. de A. Improvement of fallow vegetation can have a positive impact on the productivity of slash-and-mulch systems in eastern Amazonia. Phosphorus fertilization can increase biomass and nutrient stocks in the... ... |
The fallow period plays an important role in annual CH4 emission in a rice paddy in southern Brazil. Autoria: MABONI, C.; BREMM, T.; AGUIAR, L. J. G.; SCIVITTARO, W. B.; SOUZA, V. de A.; ZIMERMANN, H. R.; TEICHRIEB, C. A.; OLIVEIRA, P. E. S. de; HERDIES, D. L.; DEGRAZIA, G. A.; ROBERTI, D. R. Paddy fields are significant anthropogenic sources of methane (CH4) emissions. In southern Brazil, rice is grown in lowland flooded areas once a year, followed by a long fallow period. This study aime... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, G. S. A.; FERRARI NETO, J.; COSTA, C. H. M. da; CRUSCIOL, C. A. C. Among the numerous benefits of Crop-Livestock-Forest Integration are: the restoration of soil fertility, the establishment of pastures with low costs, the improvement in physical, chemical and biologi... ... |
Autoria: GUEDES, M. C.; NEVES, E. de S.; RODRIGUES, E. G.; PAIVA, P.; COSTA, J. B. P.; FREITAS, M. F.; LEMOS, L. M. de
Autoria: MENEZES, R. I. Q.; NUNES, L. A. P. L.; ARAUJO FILHO, J. A. de; SILVA, N. L. da
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