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Autoria: COSTA, J. A. A. da; GONZALEZ, C. I. M. Sheep farming in Brazil; Sheep production systems; Integrated sheep and cattle grazing with a focus on sustainability; Control of sheep internal parasite infestations in integrated production systems;... ... |
Autoria: MADARI, B. E.; MAGGIOTTO, S. R.; CARVALHO, M. T. de M.; CORRÊA, R. S.; OLIVEIRA, J. M.; MEDEIROS, J. C.; SILVA, M. A. S.; MACHADO, P. L. O. A. Mixed farming systems have great potential to combine food production with environmental services, including climate change mitigation and biodiversity preservation. This study evaluated an integrated... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, P. L. F. da; OLIVEIRA, F. P. de; MARTINS, A. F.; TAVARES, D. D.; AMARAL, A. J. do This study aimed to evaluate the effect of integrated farming systems arrangements on the fertility, carbon stock and aggregate stability of an Alfisol previously used for pasture, in the semiarid reg... ... |
Autoria: ESTEVES, E. M. M.; ESTEVES, V. P. P.; BUNGENSTAB, D. J.; ARAÚJO, O. de Q. F.; MORGADO, C. do R. V. Biodiesel has great potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as an alternative to fossil diesel. However, its production occurs under different agricultural systems, with different levels of emis... ... |
Autoria: GARRETT, R.; CORTNER, O.; GIL, J. D. B.; REIS, J. C. dos; FERREIRA, J. N.; VALENTIM, J. F. Brazil's rural landscapes are critically important for global climate, economic development, and food security. The integration of crop and animal production within a single farm (ICLS) is a promising... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, K. A. da; NICOLA, V. B.; DUDAS, R. T.; DEMETRIO, W. C.; MAIA, L. dos S.; CUNHA, L.; BARTZ, M. L. C.; BROWN, G. G.; PASINI, A.; KILLE, P.; FERREIRA, N. G. C.; OLIVEIRA, C. M. R. de With the growing global concern on pesticide management, the relationship between its environmental recalcitrance, food security and human health has never been more relevant. Pesticides residues are... ... |
Autoria: ALHO, C. F. B. V.; FREITAS, A. C. R. de; SANTOS, F. C. dos; SILVEIRA, M. C. T. da; SANTI, A.; NASCIMENTO, A. F. do; ALVES, B. J. R.; MADARI, B. E. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of the Manure-DNDC model in estimating the soil organic carbon stocks of (sub)tropical soils in two sites in Brazil under different pedoclimatic zon... ... |
Autoria: TORRES, F. Z. V.; SOUZA, D. A.; LIRA, E. C.; FARIA, M.; SUJII, E.; LOPES, R. B. An enzootic is reported of Ophiocordyceps myrmicarum in field populations of a non-Formicidae insect, the brown shield stink bug Scaptocoris castanea (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). |
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