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Autoria: PERREIRA, J. de S.; FIGUEIREDO, P. I. de; ANJOS, J. S. dos; CAMPOS, F. S.; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; VOLTOLINI, T. V. The objective was to evaluate the forage yield and structural responses of spineless cactus ?Orelha de Elefante Mexicana? (OEM) (Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw) at different planting densities. The experi... ... |
Autoria: DOMICIANO, L. F.; PEDREIRA, B. C. e; ABREU, J. G. de; PEREIRA, D. H.; MAGALHÃES, C. A. de S. Abstract: The increasing demand for food and renewable energy resources has been supporting studies of competitiveness and complementarity interactions between trees, crops, and animals. Thus, the int... ... |
Autoria: FERNANDES, F. D.; CARVALHO, M. A.; MACIEL, G. A.; ASSIS, G. M. L. de; BRAGA, G. J. Forage yield, nutritive value, ground cover and mineral concentration of 10 genotypes of Arachis spp. were evaluated over 3 years in Planaltina, Federal District, Brazil. Experimental plots were arran... ... |
Autoria: EDVAN, R. L.; CARNEIRO, M. S. de S.; MAGALHAES, J. A.; ALBUQUERQUE, D. R.; SILVA, M. S. de M.; BEZERRA, L. R.; OLIVEIRA, R. L.; SANTOS, E. M. Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud. shows relatively little growth variation due to climatic differences throughout the year and between years. The purpose of this study was to evaluate various cutting s... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, J. de S.; CAVALCANTE, A. B.; SIMOES, W. L.; VOLTOLINI, T. V. The objective was to evaluate the effects of water depths and irrigation frequencies on structural responses, forage yield and chemical composition of spineless cactus Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM... ... |
Autoria: BERÇA, A. S.; CARDOSO, A. da S.; LONGHINI, V. Z.; PIZZARRO, F. da C.; MAGNABOSCO, W. de M.; REIS, R. A.; BODDEY, R. M.; RUGGIERI, A. C. The aims of this study were to evaluate the forage production and accumulation of marandu grass, intercropped with forage peanut (mixed) or fertilized with urea. |
Autoria: GOMES, M. L. R.; ALVES, F. C.; SILVA FILHO, J. R. V. da; SOUZA, C. M. de; SILVA, M. N. P. da; SANTANA JUNIOR, R. A.; SOUZA, L. C. de; VOLTOLINI, T. V. In dry regions worldwide, providing feed for ruminants has been a great challenge, with a need to use plants which contribute to the resilience of production systems. Maniçoba is seen as a potential f... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, V.; ALMEIDA, R. G. de; LAURA, V. A.; ALVES, F. V.
Autoria: JULIO, M. P. M.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; VIANA, A. R. S.; JULIO, B. H. M.; SANTOS, C. V. dos; PARRELLA, N. N. L. D.; MENEZES, C. B. de Forage sorghum presents tall plants, what makes mechanical seed harvesting a difficult task. Plant hormones can reduce plant height and facilitate the harvesting. Thus, the objective of this study was... ... |
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