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Autoria: BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; POLIDORO, J. C.; MONTE, M. B. M.; PEREIRA, E. I.; OLIVEIRA, C. R. de
Autoria: GALLI, V.; MESSIAS, R. da S.; PERIN, E. C.; BOROWSKI, J. M.; BAMBERG, A. L.; ROMBALDI, C. V. Strawberry is one of the most popular fruits because of its shape, color and taste, and the presence of antioxidant compounds. Because severe abiotic stresses result in detrimental consequences to pla... ... |
Autoria: FROTA, G. J.; SANTOS, H. O. dos; TIRELLI, G. V.; REALE, A. L.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; PEREIRA, W. V. S. Physiological conditioning is reported to result in faster and more uniform seedling emergence in the field and induces tolerance to environmental adversities. This study aimed to evaluate the efficie... ... |
Autoria: LEMES, A. P.; GARCIA, A. R.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; BRANDÃO, F. Z.; WATANABE, Y. F.; COOKE, R. F.; SPONCHIADO, M; PAZ, C. C. P. DE; CAMPLESI, A. C.; BINELLI, M.; GIMENES, L. U. Climate change is a reality and global surface temperature is projected to rise substantially in the next 80 years. Agriculture practices will have to adapt to climate change, and also help to mitigat... ... |
Biochar amendment improves degraded pasturelands in Brazil: environmental and cost-benefit analysis. Autoria: LATAWIEC, A. E.; STRASSBURG, B. B. N.; JUNQUEIRA, A. B.; ARAUJO, E. da S.; MORAES, L. F. D. de; PINTO, H. A. N.; CASTRO, A.; RANGEL, M.; MALAGUTI, G. A.; RODRIGUES, A. F.; BARIONI, L. G.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; CORNELISSEN, G.; MENDES, M.; BATISTA, N.; GUERRA, J. G. M.; ZONTA, E.; JAKOVAC, C.; HALE, S. E. Most deforested lands in Brazil are occupied by low-productivity cattle ranching. Brazil is the second biggest meat producer worldwide and is projected to increase its agricultural output more than an... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, N. B.; FARIA, D. R.; MENDONÇA, S. M.; MORAES, M. G. de; COELHO, G. R. C.; FILIPPI, M. C. C. de; BHOSALE, R.; CASTRO, A. P. de; LANNA, A. C. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food crops worldwide. Upland rice growing areas are susceptible to adverse conditions and drought represents the main limiting factor for its produc... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, L.; MARCET-HOUBEN, M.; NAHUM, L.; ZERLOTINI, A.; GALBADÓN, T.; OLIVEIRA, G. In this context, comparative proteomic analysis can shed new light on the evolutionary processes that shaped hostparasite interaction over evolutionary time. Taking advantage of the benefits provided... ... |
Autoria: JANK, L.; QUESENBERRY, K. H.; SOLLENBERGER, L. E.; WOFFORD, D. S.; LYRENE, P. M. A genetically diverse population of Setaria sphacelata was developed at Gainesville, Florida by intercrossing the cultivars ?Narok?, ?Kazungula? and ?Solander? and a local persistent population. To de... ... |
Autoria: FAVERO, R.; MENEZES, G. R. de O.; TORRES JUNIOR, R. A. de A.; SILVA, L. O. C. da; BONIN, M. N.; FEIJO, G. L. D.; ALTRAK, G.; NIWA, M. V. G.; KAZAMA, R.; MIZUBUTI, I. Y.; GOMES, R. da C. Crossbreeding represents an important technique to improve growth, beef quality and adaptability in beef production systems in tropical countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate sire and dam br... ... |
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