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Autoria: MARTINO, H. S. D.; DIAS, D. M.; GOMES, M. J. C.; ALVES, N. E. G.; MOREIRA, M. E. de C.; DANTAS, M. I. S.; RIBEIRO, S. M. R.; NUTTI, M. R. The aim of the study was to evaluate the iron bioavailability of bean and a mix of bean and rice and/or sweet potatoes and/or pumpkin and analyzing the influence of carotenoids on iron bioavailability... ... |
Autoria: DINIZ, W. J. DA S.; TIZIOTO, P. C.; COUTINHO, L. L.; CESAR, A. S. M.; GROMBONI, C. F.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A.; REGITANO, L. C. de A. Iron is essential to several biological processes, such as oxygen transport and lipid metabolism. In this study, the RNA sequencing technology (RNAseq) was adopted to identify differentially expressed... ... |
Autoria: QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; GUIMARAES, P. E. de O.; QUEIROZ, L. R.; GUEDES, E. de O.; VASCONCELOS, V. D. B.; GUIMARAES, L. J.; RIBEIRO, P. E. de A.; SCHAFFERT, R. E. The aim of this study was to characterize the Zn and Fe availability by phytic acid/Zn and phytic acid/Fe molar ratios, in 22 tropical maize inbred lines with different genetic backgrounds. The Zn and... ... |
Autoria: JUNQUEIRA-FRANCO, M. V. M.; NUTTI, M. R.; CARVALHO, J. L. V. de; ABRAMS, S.; MARCHINI, J. S.; OLIVEIRA, J. E. D. de ABSTRACT - The introduction of biofortified crops like beans with higher iron content is a useful tool in preventing diseases such as anemia. The biofortification aims to reach the root of the problem... ... |
Autoria: DRUMMOND, A. L.; SANTANA, A. C. C.; SALES, M. J. A.; SOUSA, M. H.; SILVA, L. P. da
Autoria: PASSOS, L. P.; SANTOS, A. S. de O. dos; MARTINS, M. F.; BOTEZINE, N. P.; LOPES, H. C. da C.; DIAS, D. H. da S.; FOGAÇA, G. N.; REIS, P. R. C.; MARQUES, R. Most studies on crop responses to Cr toxicity lack using acidic growing medium in order to maximize Cr uptake and taking measures to prevent Cr-induced Fe deficiency. Also, the evaluation of protein p... ... |
Autoria: FUKUDA, W. M. G.; MAGALHÃES, A. F. de J.; PEREIRA, M. E. C.; OLIVEIRA, L. A. de; CABALLOS, H.; NUTTI, M.; CARVALHO, J. L. V. de The micronutrients iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) are major world nutrition deficiencies, mainly for underdeveloped countries and poor communities. Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency... ... |
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