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Autoria: MARTINS, K.; THOMAS, E.; WADT, L. H. de O.; CORVERA-COMRINGER, R. C.; PAPPAS, M. de C. R.; GUEDES, M. C.; COSTA, P. da Este capítulo apresenta o estado da arte do conhecimento sobre diversidade genética e consanguinidade em populações adultas e regenerantes de castanheira-da-amazônia, com o intuito de discutir os risc... ... |
Using of relatedness and heritability in a Eucalyptus benthamii trial for conservation and breeding. Autoria: SOUZA, B. M. de; ABREU, L. M. de; PAPPAS, M. de C. R.; AZEVEDO, V.; SANTOS, P. E. T. dos; SOUSA, V. A. de; SANTOS, R. F. dos; LOPES, M. T. G.; AGUIAR, A. V. de We evaluated the genetic diversity, coancestry and heritability of an E. benthamii trial. The 115 individuals were genotyped (13 SSR) and had their height and diameter at breast height (dbh) measured.... ... |
Autoria: HOHENFELD, C. S.; PASSOS, A. R.; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; OLIVEIRA, S. A. S. de; OLIVEIRA, E. J. de Cassava root rot disease is caused by a complex of soil-borne pathogens and has high economic impacts because it directly affects the tuberous roots, which are the main commercial product. This study... ... |
Autoria: MARCONDES, C. R.; MARQUES, L. C.; VOZZI, P. A.; AGUIAR, J. F.; CAMARGO JUNIOR, R. N. C.; DUARTE, S. R. R.; MARQUES, J. R. F. The Carabao breed (Bubalus bubalis kerebao) in Brazil may be endangered and at risk of losing specific qualities. This makes preservation and population studies extremely important. In this pedigree a... ... |
Autoria: MUNIZ, H. V. L.; ARIYOSHI, C.; FERREIRA, R. V.; FELICIO, M. S.; PEREIRA, L. F. P. Lipids are compounds that play an important role in coffee bean development, contributing to beverage quality. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were conducted to pinpoint quantitative trait nucl... ... |
Autoria: SOARES, T. N.; TELLES, M. P. C.; RESENDE, L. V.; SILVEIRA, L.; JÁCOMO, A. T. A.; MORATO, R. G.; DINIZ-FILHO, J. A. F.; EIZIRIK, E.; BRONDANI, R. P. V.; BRONDANI, C. We used microsatellite loci to test the paternity of two male jaguars involved in an infanticide event recorded during a long-term monitoring program of this species. Seven microsatellite primers orig... ... |
Autoria: BARBOSA, M. H. P.; FERREIRA, A.; RESENDE, M. D. V. de; NASCIMENTO, M.; SILVA, F. F. This study evaluated different strategies to select sugar cane families and obtain clones adapted to the conditions of the Brazilian savannah. Specifically, 7 experiments were conducted, with 10 full... ... |
Autoria: BORBA, T. C. de O.; BRONDANI, R. P. V.; BRESEGHELLO, F.; COELHO, A. S. G.; MENDONÇA, J. A.; RANGEL, P. H. N.; BRONDANI, C. Association analysis was applied to a panel of accessions of Embrapa Rice Core Collection (ERiCC) with 86 SSR and field data from two experiments. A clear subdivision between lowland and upland access... ... |
Autoria: MORAES, M. S.; TEIXEIRA, A. L.; RAMALHO, A. R.; ESPINDULA, M. C.; FERRAO, M. A. G.; ROCHA, R. B. The ability to avoid self-pollination is a trait that evolved as a manner of reducing the deleterious effects of inbreeding in various allogamous plant species, including Coffea canephora. The aim of... ... |
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