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Autoria: ARMELIM, M. J.; PRIMAVESI, O. M. A. S. P. R.; PRIMAVESI, A. C. P. de A.; SAIKI, M. Brachiaria decumbens is the main forage in pastures of several Brazilian regions. The effects of liming and plant age on micronutrient uptake by the forage of a degraded Brachiaria decumbens pasture u... ... |
Autoria: LI, L.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; BOYD, C. E. Abstract: The autors believe that dryout periods likely destroy most organisms in pond bettons, and liming of the entire botton area shoud be done only to neutralize soil acidity and increase pH for o... ... |
Autoria: BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; SEGNINI, A.; PRIMAVESI, O. M. A. S. P. R.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; BERNDT, A.; BAYER, C.; MILORI, D. M. B. P.; SILVA, W. T. L. da; SIMOES, M. L.; MARTIN NETO, L. This study case aimed to evaluate the impact of liming and mineral fertilization of a Signalgrass pasture on C accumulation in surface and deeper layers of a Brazilian Oxisol. A 27-yr old Signalgrass... ... |
Autoria: MARCHI, E. C. S.; MARCHI, G.; SILVA, C. A.; ALVARENGA, M. A. R. Alface é considerada a principal hortaliça folhosa no Brasil.Grandes quantidades de fertilizantes minerais e orgânicos são aplicados aos solos durante o seu cultivo. Existe uma necessidade de se ter m... ... |
Autoria: VIANA, J. H. M.; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, M. R. de; SANTOS, F. C. dos; LADEIRA, D. de A. Modeling the response of soils to liming is important for understanding neutralization reactions and predicting lime residual effects. Models based on simple or quadratic polynomial equations are the... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, T. C.; PREGORARO, R. F.; KONDO, M. K.; PORTUGAL, A. F.; RESENDE, A. V. Phosphate fertilization has increased sorghum yield, but few studies are available on sorghum production and efficient fertilizer management related to liming and phosphorus (P) sources. This work eva... ... |
Autoria: COMIN, J. J.; AMBROSINI, V. G.; ROSA, D. J.; BASSO, A.; LOSS, A.; MELO, G. W. B. de; LOVATO, P. E.; LORENZI, C. R.; RICACHENEVSKY, F. K.; BRUNETTO, G. Soils which are cultivated with grapevines have high available copper (Cu) content, which can be toxic to cover crops cohabiting vineyards, such as black oats. This study aimed to assess the effect of... ... |
Autoria: HURTADO, S. M. C.; SILVA, C. A.; RESENDE, A. V. de; PINHO, R. G. von; INÁCIO, E. dos S. B.; HIGASHIKAWA, F. S. In Brazil, technicians, in most cases, ignore the aspects related to the spatial variability of the soil acidity attributes when liming requirement is calculated. The objective of this study was to va... ... |
Autoria: PEDROSO, A. J. S.; SILVA JÚNIOR, M. L. da; SILVA, G. R. da; OHASHI, O. S.; BIRANI, S. M.; LEAL, N. C.; MELO, V. S. de; TEIXEIRA, O. M. M.; LOBATO, A. K. da S.; OLIVEIRA NETO, C. F. de; SILVA, R. T. L. da; RUIVO, M. de L. P. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development of young Swietenia macrophylla plants grown in Yellow Oxisol submitted to different liming and boron doses. Experimental design was completely ran... ... |
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