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Autoria: KERN, E. L.; COBUCI, J. A.; COSTA, C. N.; MCMANUS, C. M.; BRACCINI NETO, J. Longevity is a desirable trait in the dairy industry because of its relationship to profitability. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for longevity measurements related to produc... ... |
Autoria: KERN, E. L.; COBUCI, J. A.; COSTA, C. N.; BRACCINI NETO, J.; CAMPOS, G. S.; MCMANUS, C. M. The aim in this study was to estimate variance components and heritability of different longevity measures related to productive life and survival at a specified age, using linear and threshold models... ... |
Autoria: SOARES, K. M. M. S.; TOMAZELLA, V. L. D.; SOUSA JÚNIOR, S. C. de; CARVALHO, G. M. C.; LIMA, C. M. M.; SANTOS, K. R. dos Cattle of the Curraleiro Pé-Duro cattle breed have a great ability to adapt to extreme climatic conditions in a natural environment, providing the minimization of losses in productive and reproductive... ... |
Autoria: ANDREOLI, C.; ANDRADE, R. V. The simplified equation Vt = Vi – tg E.p is to predict the percentage of viability of any corn (Zea mays L.) seed lot after any period of time under open storage conditions. Based upon that equation,... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, R. R. da; OLIVEIRA, J. E. de M.; SILVA, L. B.; SILVA, C. S. B. da; SILVA, J. G. da; OLIVEIRA, A. C.; SOUZA, I. D. de The Citrus mealybug Planococcus citri has a wide geographical distribution and has been describedas a pest of economic importance in several crops. The present work determined the developmental and bi... ... |
Autoria: COLOMBO, R. C.; SOUZA, R. T. de; CRUZ, M. A. da; CARVALHO, D. U. de; KOYAMA, R.; BILCK, A. P.; ROBERTO, S. R. The objective of this work was to evaluate cold storage periods and postharvest longevity of the seedless table grape 'BRS Vitória' subjected to the application of the disease-resistance inducer acibe... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, A. R. de; BARBOSA, L. R.; PASSOS, J. R. de S.; CASTRO, B. M. de C. e; ZANUNCIO, J. C.; WILCKEN, C. F. The blue gum chalcid, Leptocybe invasa Fisher & LaSalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), causes galls on Eucalyptus spp. leaf midribs, petioles and stems. Biological aspects need to be studied to assist in... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, A. R. de; CANDELARIA, M. C.; BARBOSA, L. R.; WILCKEN, C. F.; CAMPOS, J. M.; SERRÃO, J. E.; ZANUNCIO, J. C. Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpintero and Dellapé (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae), damages eucalyptus plants by sucking their sap. This pest can be controlled by releases of the egg parasitoid Cleruchoid... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, M. V. G. B.; KERN, E.; NEGRI, R.; KLUSKA, S.; OTTO, P.; MARTINS, M. F.; PANETTO, J. C. do C.; DALTRO, D.
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