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Autoria: TALLEBOIS, J.; DOSMANN, J.; CRONEMBERGER, H.; PAREDES, H.; CAO, T. V.; NEVES, P.; AHMADI, N. Background: Adoption of the hybrid rice varieties by farmers is often impaired by the high price of hybrid seed, due to low yields in hybrid seed production fields. Female outcrossing ability (FOA) an... ... |
Autoria: ALVES, I. L. de S.; SANTOS, C. A. F. Outcrossing and heterozygosity rates are important to define genetic conservation and breeding strategies, and these estimates are quite rare for onions. This study aimed to estimate cross-pollination... ... |
Autoria: GUSTINA, L. D.; BALDONI, A. B.; TONINI, H.; AZEVEDO, V. C. R.; NEVES, L. G.; TARDIN, F. D.; SEBBENN, A. M. Knowing the mating patterns is important to determine the number of trees necessary for seed collection for conservation ex situ, tree breeding and environmental reforestation purposes. We investigate... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, C. A. F.; GAMA, R. N. C. de S. The umbu tree (Spondias tuberosa) is one of the most important endemic species to the Brazilian tropical semiarid region. The umbu tree has edible fruits with a peculiar flavor that are consumed in na... ... |
Autoria: FARIA, J. C.; CARNEIRO, G. E. S.; ARAGÃO, F. J. L. Gene flow is a common phenomenon even in self-pollinated plant species. With the advent of genetically modified plants this subject has become of the utmost importance due to the need for controlling... ... |
Autoria: CAMPOS, T. de; CUNHA, M. O. da; SOUSA, A. C. B. de; TEIXEIRA, R. B.; RAPOSO, A.; SEBBENN, A. M.; WADT, L. H. de O. The objective of this work was to estimate the mating system parameters of a andiroba (Carapa guianensis) population using microsatellite markers and the mixed and correlated mating models. Twelve ope... ... |
Autoria: WADT, L. H. de O.; BALDONI, A. B.; SILVA, V. S.; CAMPOS, T. de; MARTINS, K.; AZEVEDO, V. C. R.; MATA, L. R. da; BOTIN, A. A.; HOOGERHEIDE, E. S. S.; TONINI, H.; SEBBENN, A. M. The aim of this study was to investigate variation in mating system among three Brazilian Amazon populations of the tree Bertholletia excelsa with different levels of anthropogenic interventions. We c... ... |
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