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The app is an electronic agenda that builds an agricultural calendar with all the management activities recommended for banana and guarana crops. It facilitates the chronological management of cro ...Product: Software Launch year: 2023 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Amazon |
*Content only available in Portuguese
O aplicativo móvel Agritempo GIS permite o acesso a dados agrometeorológicos, de maneira facilitada, para diversos estados e municípios brasileiros, por meio da disponibilização de mapas georrefer ...Product: Software Launch year: 2017 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture |
*Content only available in Portuguese
Aplicativo com orientações sobre o diagnóstico laboratorial de quadros clínicos das principais doenças dos suínos, incluindo informações sobre escolha dos animais para colheita das amostras, colhe ...Product: Software Launch year: 2016 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Swine & Poultry |
*Content only available in Portuguese
Aplicação web progressiva/aplicativo para smartphone, tablet, computador ou smart tv, contendo informações técnicas voltadas para a agricultura familiar, que podem contr ...Product: Software Launch year: 2024 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Agriculture |
The CIM Custos app is a tool developed by Embrapa Goats and Sheep that assists in the identification of critical points for reducing costs and improving the profitability of the production system. ...Product: Software Launch year: 2018 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Goats & Sheep |
It is an app for mobile devices that allows quick and integrated access to the characteristics of the main tropical forage cultivars either launched by Embrapa or in the public domain. Th ...Product: Software Launch year: 2017 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Beef Cattle |
Android based mobile app aimed at identifying most common pests and diseases in coconut crops. Product: Software Launch year: 2023 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Coastal Tablelands |
*Content only available in Portuguese
Aplicativo desenvolvido para os sistemas operacionais Android e iOS, de disponibilização gratuita, com objetivo de apresentar o programa de seguro rural, suas características, as subvenções vigent ...Product: Software Launch year: 2020 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture |
The application offers the user the bio-input options registered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map) in the National Bio-Input Catalog, in addition to relevant information r ...Product: Software Launch year: 2020 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture |
*Content only available in Portuguese
Aplicativo de fácil uso que auxilia os produtores rurais a planejar a alimentação de seus rebanhos, principalmente para períodos críticos como nos meses de estiagem. A prática da orçamentação forr ...Product: Software Launch year: 2017 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Goats & Sheep |