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*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice: For vegetative plant propagation     Launch year: 2014     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

A cultivar BRS Sol do Cerrado (BRS SC1) apresenta frutos amarelos, grandes, com formato oblongo, pensando de 150 a 350g e apresentando rendimento de polpa em torno de 38%. Sua produtividade nas co


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2008     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

A cultivar BRS Gigante Amarelo (BRS GA1) apresenta fruto amarelo, formato oblongo, com base e ápice ligeiramente achatados, pesando de 120 a 350 g e rendimento de polpa em torno de 40%. Sua produt


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2008     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice: For pre-planting management     Launch year: 1996     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice: For vegetative plant propagation     Launch year: 2012     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice: For vegetative plant propagation     Launch year: 2002     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice: For vegetative plant propagation     Launch year: 2002     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice: For vegetative plant propagation     Launch year: 2003     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice: For fertilization and soil fertility management     Launch year: 2000     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice: For vegetative plant propagation     Launch year: 2003     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados