Embrapa Dairy Cattle
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Embrapa Gado de Leite has the main Elephant Grass Germplasm Active Bank (BAGCE) in the country. However, the main species of grasshopper (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) and the genetic variability for resistance to these pest insects were not known. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the population dynamics of spittlebugs and to evaluate the accessions of the elephant grass germplasm bank, regarding resistance to Mahanarva liturata. The population dynamics of cercopids in Coronel Pacheco Status: Completed Start date: Fri Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008 |
Spittlebug, Mahanarva spectabilis (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) is capable to cause drastic losses in production and quality of pastures established with grasses. Currently, the use a grass resistant cultivar, to be obtained by means of constitutive antibiosis, is the best spittlebug controlling method. However, the time required for releasing a cultivar after detecting a spittlebug-resistant strain is relatively long. Allied to this, one should take into consideration that the adaptations of Status: Completed Start date: Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 |
The control of spittlebugs, in general, is compromised by the failure to recognize that the impact of this insect pest can vary greatly, due to taxonomic diversity, the extent of habitats, climatic factors and pasture management. Furthermore, insects and plants co-evolve and this factor must be taken into account, since the discovery of resistant cultivars requires a relatively long period and the knowledge of the bases of the insect-pest interaction with the plant can be a key point for the ree Status: Completed Start date: Fri Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008 |
Minas Gerais accounts for 27.6% of the national milk production, standing out as the largest producing state in the country. Although statistics show a constant evolution in the milk production chain in Brazil, in recent years dairy farming has faced new challenges and, in this scenario, with low profit margins, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of milk production systems, which still have many constraints. Among these, infecto-contagious diseases stand out, with mastitis being the main Status: Completed Start date: Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016 |
Cattle farming is one of the most important activities of Brazilian agribusiness. Brazil is the world's largest beef exporter, holds the world's largest commercial herd, and is the world's third largest producer and consumer of beef and the world's seventh largest milk producer, with about 4% of the world's total. In spite of its large overall production, Brazilian cattle farming remains low in productivity, indicating a great potential for improvement and expansion of this sector of the economy Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008 |
In Brazil, milk production is practiced by more than one million farmers, mostly smallholders, who have the most important sources of feed for the herd in pasture and forage grass cropping for cut-and-carry. One of the major demands of farmers is on improved forage cultivars for cutting and grazing that can meet the nutritional needs of herds throughout the year. Elephantgrass, in addition to its superior performance in the establishment of cut-and-carry plantations (i.e. green chopped, hay, and Status: Completed Start date: Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2007 |