
17/12/24 |   Socioeconomic and environmental studies  Strategic Management  Research, Development and Innovation

Agricultural institutions adopt “culture of impact ” to expand social effects of research

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 - Social Report 2023

Social Report 2023

A recent study resulting from an international collaborative project calling for proposals under the title ‘Innovative Co-Learning for Agriculture-based Solutions’ by Agropolis Fondation (Montpellier, France), analyzed how three reference organizations in agricultural research – Cirad (France), Embrapa (Brazil) and AGROSAVIA (Colombia) – have been developing and implementing a "culture of impact". The concept can be defined as the set of organizational practices and strategies aimed at maximizing the social and economic impacts of research activities.

According to Graciela Vedovoto, who works for Embrapa's Strategic Management,such culture is not uniform and varies depending on organizational and cultural contexts. Strategies, values ​​and practices need to be in line, as well as mechanisms to promote reflection, organizational learning, and collective engagement. “Elements such as the Theory of Change and room for inter and intra-organizational dialogue are fundamental to strengthen this cultural model”, Vedovoto states.

One of the main challenges for institutions is the coexistence of a culture of impact and a"project culture", which prevails in many organizations. The latter prioritizes short deadlines and specific results, which can hinder reflective and collaborative processes. In order to reconcile those approaches, the study suggests flexibility, integration, and dedicating time for analysis and strategic adjustments.

The study identified factors that favor the adoption of the new approach, such as internal leadership and designated teams, recruitment of professionals that are committed to change, and the use of diverse assessment methods. Nevertheless, there are barriers, which include resistance to change, work overload, and difficulties in harmonizing the new culture with pre-established institutional dynamics.

The analysis states that a culture of impact promotes structural and strategic change. It integrates impact assessment practices and organizational learning, with the purpose of having research be in line with broad and measurable social impacts.

Compared experiences

The study compared the strategies at Cirad, Embrapa and AGROSAVIA. Cada organização adotou práticas alinhadas aos seus contextos institucionais, mas todas compartilham o objetivo de ampliar os benefícios sociais, econômicos e ambientais de suas atividades.

As Marie Ferré explains, the ’'French Agricultural Research Center for International Development’ emphasizes reflective learning and promotes interactions between researchers and partners to assess innovation impacts. The institution developed tools like ImpresS ex post and ImpresS ex ante, which analyze past impacts and anticipate future results.

Embrapa uses ex post methodologies, such as “Excedente Econômico” [Economic Surplus] and “Ambitec-Agro”, which assess the economic, social and environmental impacts of agricultural technologies offered by its research centers. According to Geraldo Stachetti, a researcher at Embrapa Environment, such analyzes have also helped to communicate with society through reports like the Social Report, which has been published annually since 1997.

As María-Margarita Ramírez-Gómez reports, Agrosavia, in turn, was inspired by the methods adopted by Embrapa and integrated ex post and ex ante assessment strategies into its planning. Since 2016, it has advanced in studies to predict and measure technological impacts, which are also annually presented in the institution's Social Report. The goal is to consolidate a cultural change by 2030, with a focus on sustainability and social impact.

Despite those advances, internal resistance is still common. It incldes a fear of increased workload and concerns about impacts on creativity. Even with such limitations, the study shows that acceptance of the culture of impact has been growing. The initiatives promote interdisciplinarity, expand partnerships and generate external recognition for organizations.

The cognitive and practical changes stemming from the culture of impact can be deemed disruptive in their institutional reach. Researchers and research teams have demonstrated higher ability to plan interventions and formulate strategic questions. Perceiving this approach as an emerging organizational norm rather than an additional effort is indicative of success.

In addition, the study, which was published on ‘Research Policy’, a journal of special relevance on the topic, notes that the consolidation of this culture of impact requires managerial support, dedicated resources, capacity-building and participatory strategies. Such factors help to disseminate innovative practices and strengthen organizational learning.

Cristina Tordin (MTb 28.499/SP)
Embrapa Environment

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Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
Embrapa's Press Team

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