Its historical contributions to agribusiness in Brazil place the Unit at the forefront of the technological developments for the crop in tropical regions. Its contributions include the development of cultivars adapted to low latitudes, biological pest control, and soil management and conservation techniques, among others.

The Unit is also responsible for sunflower research for the Brazilian territory, and wheat research for the State of Paraná, in partnership with Embrapa Trigo (Embrapa Wheat) -Passo Fundo, RS and the Rural Institute Development of Paraná – IDR-PR (Londrina - PR).

In addition, Embrapa Soja (Embrapa Soybean) participates in research activities organized by other Embrapa Research Units and does research on maize and beans for Paraná state.

Embrapa Soybean's Institutional video

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Fundada em 1975, em Londrina, Paraná, a Embrapa Soja é uma das 43 unidades de pesquisa da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – Embrapa. A Embrapa Soja tem seu histórico pautado no desenvolvimento de soluçõe ...   More...

From: Soja Radar da Tecnologia     Posted in: 11/12/2023     Views: 1727