Embrapa Soils
*Content only available in Portuguese
O SoloFlux é um permeâmetro digital automatizado para medir a condutividade hidráulica e dinâmica da água no solo. Fruto de parceria entre a Embra...
*Content only available in Portuguese
*Content only available in Portuguese
*Content only available in Portuguese
*Content only available in Portuguese
*Content only available in Portuguese
Learn more about Embrapa's technologies
How can I buy or access the technologies?
On the page for each technology, Embrapa lists how to have access to a finished technology, which can be a list of licensed suppliers, for instance.
Technologies available for partnerships
Learn about Embrapa's unfinished technologies that are at different readiness levels and available for partnerships and business with institutions, companies and startups.
Licensing Embrapa technologies
We establish partnerships to produce, use, sell or explore technological assets, solutions, knowledge or patents in the production sector.
Technologies for social development
Developed through interaction with local communities, they promote changes based on principles of environmental conservation, respect for cultures, economic solidarity, and self-management.