Embrapa Territorial
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The national and international demand for ethanol and the increasing concerns with world climatic changes is generating the expectation of an increase in the use of biofuels and consequently an increase in the area planted with sugarcane in Brazil. Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of sugarcane products in the world, and the state of São Paulo has been responsible for nearly half of the national production in the latest years. Among the state's regions, the northeastern portion, whi ...Status: Completed Start date: Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
This project applied geotechnologies to understand the cause and effect relationships between agricultural activities and greenhouse gas emissions processes, generating subsidies for management decisions that were agronomically and environmentally sustainable. For that, maps of pastures of the national territory were updated and geotechnologies were used to spatialize and monitor natural resources, human activities, and the consequences of these activities on the Earth's surface. Status: Completed Start date: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 |
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a quarter of the national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions comes from agricultural activities, and 93% of the CH4 emitted originates from enteric fermentation. Despite that, the agriculture practiced within given management standards can result in a lower GHG emissions. The GeoPecus project's goal is the application of geotechnologies for the understanding of the cause and effect relationship between agricultural activities and the Status: Completed Start date: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 |
The project aimed to quantify carbon stocks and assess the impact of human activity on changes in carbon stocks in the Amazon Forest. In that region, in response to the potential climatic effects of deforestation, policy makers have paved the way for policy changes that drive emission reductions by reducing deforestation and forest degradation and the improvement of forest carbon stocks. The project was part of the “Sustainable Landscapes” program of technical cooperation from USAID and the U.S. Status: Completed Start date: Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 |