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Amazalert was an international research project coordinated by the Alterra Institute at Wageningen University (Netherlands). Embrapa participated in the development of an Early Warning System for detecting signs of large-scale degradation of the Amazon forest, to anticipate impacts caused by climate change and deforestation. The team of scientists featured researchers from 14 research institutions in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Bolivia and Colombia. Multidisciplinar


Status: Completed     Start date: Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011

Eucalyptus production at the Paraíba do Sul river basin, in the Southern region of Brazil, is becoming an alternative for smallholders and medium farmers which aim to provide raw materials to paper and cellulose-industry companies. The land use and land cover pattern at the Vale do Paraíba region is undergoing changes, and the eucalyptus silviculture occupies an ever-increasing space over other agro-ecosystems, especially over pastures. GeoVale proposes a technical and scientific assessment o


Status: Completed     Start date: Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

The national and international demand for ethanol and the increasing concerns with world climatic changes is generating the expectation of an increase in the use of biofuels and consequently an increase in the area planted with sugarcane in Brazil. Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of sugarcane products in the world, and the state of São Paulo has been responsible for nearly half of the national production in the latest years. Among the state's regions, the northeastern portion, whi


Status: Completed     Start date: Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012