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Integrated Agroecological Production System - SIPA

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Photo: FERREIRA, A. L.

The organic production systems show a systemic focus for the management of production units, prioritizing environmental conservation, biodiversity, biological cycles, and quality of life. Brazil has efficient organic production systems and part of this knowledge is obtained through the Integrated Agroecological Production System (SIPA, in Portuguese), also known as Fazendinha Agroecológica Km 47, a farm space that motivates agroecology research and practice. SIPA was created in 1993, in a partnership between Embrapa Agrobiology, the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), and the Rio de Janeiro Agricultural Research Company (Pesagro-Rio). In its vegetable and fruit production pasture and environmental conservation areas, the management prioritizes maximum nutrient recycling, integration of animal and vegetable production, and nitrogen self-sufficiency through the rotation and diversification of crops, for the purposes of nitrogen recycling and fixation, maintenance of nutritional balance in plants, and avoiding stress situations. SIPA studies allow the recommendation of vegetable intercropping, green fertilization (rotation or intercropping vegetables with leguminous plants), organic compounds, vegetable cultivars adapted to the organic management, and conservation biological control for the management of natural enemies and pests. The activities developed there include: visits for elementary and high schools, production of dissertations and theses, training of students from the professional master's degree on Organic Agriculture (URFFJ), activities linked to the National Plan on Agroecology and Organic Production (PLANAPO), as well as intensive short courses, field days, internships, training events, lectures, and technical meetings for all kinds of audiences, with priority for farmers interested in converting to agroecology. Around 1,200 visitors are welcomed every year, on average. The management techniques developed at SIPA have been adopted by farmers from different regions of Brazil.

Agricultural System: Integrated production system Launch year: 1993

Biome: Amazon Rainforest, Cerrado, Atlantic Rainforest, Caatinga, Pampa, Pantanal

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Agrobiology

Participating Units: Embrapa Agrobiology

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