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Vigor of canola seeds through accelerated aging test and anatomical alterations.

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Author(s): SILVA, I. J.; MEL, S. G. F. de; CABRAL, C. M.; FRANCINO, D. M. T.; LAVIOLA, B. G.; NERY, M. C.

Summary: Canola is an oilseed crop of significant economic importance for food, feed production, and biodiesel, requiring high-quality seeds to ensure germination, uniformity, and productivity. This study evaluated the suitability seed vigor, as well as anatomical and histochemical alterations after artificial aging. Five seed lots of the Diamond cultivar were evaluated using germination, seedling emergence, and cold tests. The accelerated aging test was conducted using the traditional method and saturated solution with NaCl and KCl at 41 °C for 24 to 96 hours. Seed sections were stained for anatomical and histochemical analysis. The traditional method resulted in more significant seed deterioration, while the saturated solution with KCl for 24 hours preserved physiological quality, presenting cellular and staining patterns similar to non-aged seeds. After 96 hours in the traditional method, cellular disorganization and reduced protein bodies and lipid droplets were observed. The accelerated aging test using saturated solution with KCl at 41 °C for 24 hours proved effective in assessing seed vigor without compromising physiological integrity. A canola é uma oleaginosa de grande importância econômica para alimentação, a produção de rações e o biodiesel, demandando sementes de alta qualidade para assegurar germinação, uniformidade e produtividade. Este estudo avaliou o teste de envelhecimento acelerado para determinar o vigor das sementes, além de analisar alterações anatômicas e histoquímicas após envelhecimento artificial. Foram utilizados cinco lotes de sementes da cultivar Diamond, avaliados por testes de germinação, emergência de plântulas e frio.

Publication year: 2025

Types of publication: Journal article