BRS Pai d’Égua: açaizeiro irrigado de terra firme
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BRS Pai d’Égua - cultivated açai tree irrigated on land

Photo: Braga, Vinicius
BRS Pai d'Égua is the result of research with genetic improvement of the açaí palm tree that has two main characteristics: off-season production and smaller berries. For five crop years, the research evaluated hundreds of açai tree materials in Embrapa Eastern Amazon’s experimental field in Tomé-Açu, in the Northeastern Pará.
Reduced seasonality: One of the greatest differentials of the new cultivar is the well-balanced distribution of annual production. BRS Pai d'Égua produces 46% in the off-season harvest (from January to June) and 54% during the harvest (from July to December).
Higher pulp yield: Smaller fruits yield 30% more pulp than traditional açaí berries.
Early fruit production: First harvest at three and a half years vs. traditional materials starting in the fifth year.
Who benefits?
Farmers, farmers’ associations and cooperatives, retail and exporter markets, and consumers
Economic benefit
According to IBGE, the state of Pará in 2018 produced 1 ,440,000 tons. This production volume generated BRL 3 billion in the state of Pará alone. This production chain impacts the generation of jobs and income of Brazilian citizens.
How will the product be made available to the production sector?
Through the sale of seeds and seedlings by a licensed partner.
Where to find:
Marituba - PA, CEP 67.200-000
91 3236-1680 / 98846-2024 / 99214-5572
Rodovia BR 010 KM 03 - Zona Rural. São Miguel do Guamá, PA - Brasil
(91) 991319186 / (99) 984253836
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2019
Country: Brazil Region: North State: Amapá, Pará, Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins Biome: Amazon Rainforest
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon
Participating Units: Embrapa Eastern Amazon