Plant production | Agrochemicals
Rhizobia inoculant for forest legumes
The Brazilian market does not have inoculants for forest species. The production of this type of inoculant is restricted to research centers, especially Embrapa Agrobiology. This happens because there is a large number of forest species, so the production of inoculants by companies is often not viable, since, in order to meet the market, it would be necessary to produce several different inoculants on a small scale. This asset solves part of this problem, as it demonstrates that a strategy to obtain efficient and common strains for use in different forest species can be explored.
About the asset
It is an input consisting of a combination of three strains of rhizobia, selected for use in ice-cream-beans (Inga edulis), but with potential for use in other forest legumes commonly used for the recovery of degraded areas. The inoculant promotes plant growth, with high efficiency in biological nitrogen fixation, and can be used in forest species' seeds and in seedling production nurseries. The selected strains were isolated from Acacia mangium (BR 3617), Inga edulis (BR 6610) and Clitoria fairchildiana (BR 8807). The study that generated this asset was carried out with strains from different plant species. Of the 56 species that were tested, all of those that proved to be more efficient for nitrogen fixation in Inga edulis belong to the genus Bradyrhizobium.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 4
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept
Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
Embrapa Agrobiology has a research team that is highly specialized in this type of research.
The development of an efficient inoculant for Inga edulis is part of a strategy to also obtain a single inoculant for a wide spectrum of forest species hosts.
The use of an efficient inoculant for nitrogen fixation in forest species is a technology scientifically proven by Embrapa.
The development of an efficient inoculant for Inga edulis is part of a strategy to also obtain a single inoculant for a wide spectrum of forest species hosts.
The use of an efficient inoculant for nitrogen fixation in forest species is a technology scientifically proven by Embrapa.
Impacts for the production sector and for society
As an innovation, the asset offers an inoculant in development for Inga edulis that can be produced from strains from other Bradyrhizobium species. The results of the research showed that the rhizobia bacteria that promoted the most plant growth were isolated from Inga edulis, Clitoria fairchildiana and Acacia mangium, all of the genus Bradyrhizobium. Under these conditions, an inoculant would tend to be seem as a positive differential, as it favors the strategy of obtaining a single product that covers a wide range of forest species hosts. It would have high efficiency in nitrogen fixation and a wide spectrum of forest hosts, with the possibility of being generated on a commercial scale by the industries that produce inoculants for Brazilian market supply. It could be used for seed inoculation of forest species and in seedling production nurseries.
Portfólio de projetos: Forestry
Partnership goals
- Technical and/or Industrial Validation
- Codevelopment (proof of concept to prototype)
What is expected from the partnership?
Co-development of inoculants and plant growth promoters.
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
Presentation to stakeholders and in negotiation rounds.
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