In the Brazilian market there is a growing demand for plant-based products and a limited offer of base ingredients for the development of non-meat products that resemble foods from animal sources, so as to meet the needs of vegan and vegetarian consumers. Existing conventional ingredients have a spongy texture that is incompatible with the texture of meat. The technology used to develop the asset gives the product a distinct - fibrillated - texture that is very similar to animal protein, which makes the asset superior to conventional textured projects.
About the asset
Soy and pea-based textured vegetable protein obtained through wet extrusion, with a fibrillated strip texture that resembles meat. The product can be consumed directly (once cooked) or as an ingredient to produce hamburgers, breaded foods, croquettes, meat balls and similar products.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 5
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept
Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
Product texture is more meat-like than the textured vegetable protein (TVP) more commonly found in the market.
Impacts for the production sector and for society
Firmer, more meat-like texture that meets demand for plant-based products.
The product contains no additives and few added secondary ingredients.
It can be used as raw material to make meat-analogous products like hamburgers, meat balls and sausages.
The product contains no additives and few added secondary ingredients.
It can be used as raw material to make meat-analogous products like hamburgers, meat balls and sausages.
Portfólio de projetos: Food security
Partnership goals
- Technical and/or Industrial Validation
- Asset licensing
What is expected from the partnership?
Progress on the TRL scale and development of commercial products that use the asset as an ingredient.
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
Partnership for research, development and innovation; consulting and knowledge transfer.
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