Food and drinks
Obtention process of tilapia (Tilapia rendalli) gelatin hydrolysate
The fish processing industry discards a high volume of waste, mainly because of the filleting process that results in a great amount of skin and carcass. However, these residues have a biological, commercial, and economic value if processed and transformed into inputs to pharmaceutical/nutraceutical and food industries.
About the asset
The asset is an obtention process of tilapia gelatin hydrolysate, whose main use is as an ingredient of food products, cosmetics, capsules or powder of natural products, nutraceutical, or food supplements.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 4
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept
Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
Fish processing residues are still little used by industries despite their technologic, commercial, and environmental potential. Thus, this innovation has a positive impact on fish processing industries.
Impacts for the production sector and for society
- Versatile product, having varied uses for food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.
- Product with economic and environmental appeal, as it adds value to discarded waste.
- Product with a functional health claim.
- Alternative for the production/obtainment of animal collagen that is not of porcine or bovine sources.
- Product with economic and environmental appeal, as it adds value to discarded waste.
- Product with a functional health claim.
- Alternative for the production/obtainment of animal collagen that is not of porcine or bovine sources.
Portfólio de projetos: Food security
Partnership goals
- Technical and/or Industrial Validation
- Codevelopment (proof of concept to prototype)
What is expected from the partnership?
Testing in a production environment and commercial validation testing.
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
The asset will be offered as consultancy and/or assistance and technical cooperation projects.
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