Lentil and chickpea protein concentrates
The growing offer of plant-based products that resemble animal-based foods, such as veggie burgers, has made the demand for protein ingredients increase. Thus, in order to expand the availability and diversification of these products, lentil and chickpea protein concentrates come up as an alternative to the soy and pea ones. These grains are known as pulses, which are edible seeds of plants in the legume family that are naturally composed of 20% to 30% protein. Since they are commonly produced and consumed worldwide, they are strong candidates to obtain protein concentrates.
About the asset
The lentil concentrate presents around 80 g protein out of 100 g of the product, this is, 80% protein; whereas the chickpea concentrate presents 73 g out of 100 g, which means 73% protein. The ingredients add protein content to plant-based foods that are similar to animal-based products, such as hamburgers, breaded foods, sausages, vegetal beverages, and yogurts.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 5
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept
Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
Among pulses, the pea protein concentrate, which is mostly imported, is known in the market, differently from other legume concentrates. However, chickpea and lentil are alternatives to the imported pea concentrate, since their crops have increased in Brazil due to their production versatility. These concentrates are also an option to substitute soy-based protein ingredients, because although they are popular, many people prefer not to consume them. The protein ingredients can be used in plant-based foods to improve their technological characteristics, such as increased viscosity, stabilized foam, and better texture.
Impacts for the production sector and for society
- The obtained lentil concentrate presents around 80 g protein out of 100 g of the product, this is, 80% protein; whereas the chickpea concentrate presents 73 g out of 100 g, which means 73% protein.
- High quality protein ingredients can substitute soy and pea protein, which are popular but mostly imported.
- The ingredients can be used in plant-based foods to improve technological characteristics, such as increased viscosity, stabilized foam and better texture.
- The residues from the protein extraction of the lentil and chickpea grains are used to produce three other ingredients: carbohydrate-rich ingredient (starch and fiber), with 20% fiber content for lentils and 21% for chickpeas; lentil and chickpea starches with 92% purity in both ingredients; food-fiber-rich ingredient, with 35% fiber content for lentil and 33% for chickpea. All ingredients can be added in various processed products, as fiber enrichment or texture agents.
- High quality protein ingredients can substitute soy and pea protein, which are popular but mostly imported.
- The ingredients can be used in plant-based foods to improve technological characteristics, such as increased viscosity, stabilized foam and better texture.
- The residues from the protein extraction of the lentil and chickpea grains are used to produce three other ingredients: carbohydrate-rich ingredient (starch and fiber), with 20% fiber content for lentils and 21% for chickpeas; lentil and chickpea starches with 92% purity in both ingredients; food-fiber-rich ingredient, with 35% fiber content for lentil and 33% for chickpea. All ingredients can be added in various processed products, as fiber enrichment or texture agents.
Portfólio de projetos: Food security
Partnership goals
- Technical and/or Industrial Validation
- Market Development
What is expected from the partnership?
Partnership for technical validation in a relevant environment.
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
Co-development projects, consulting for know-how transfer
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