Food production project will reach five countries in Africa
Food production project will reach five countries in Africa
A comprehensive technology transfer project in the area of integrated food production will be implemented from this year on, by Embrapa Mid-North, in five African countries, reaching thousands of people. The project has a budget of nearly 700,000 dollars, and it will be financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Embrapa, and the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA).
Due to last three years, the project whose activities will be performed in Uganda, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana and Tanzania includes products such as fish, chicken, dairy cattle, goats, sheep, biofortified foods such as sweet potato and cassava, fruit, and vegetables. The integrated production system also stipulates the installation of hydraulic rams, which are small artisanal pumps that allow for irrigation at low fuel and energy expense.
The action is going to bring together farmers, universities and research institutions in at least 150 demonstration units, according to the researcher César Nogueira, the project leader. The African technicians will be trained in Brazil. New training events and the monitoring of the technologies implemented will be performed with the use of online tools and through visits to the demonstration units.
The project will kick off in February with a meeting between Brazilian and African technicians in Brasília, DF, Brazil. At least two other meetings, at the Africa/Brazil Mktplace Forum and at FARA's General Assembly and Africa Agricultural Science Week, are scheduled for the presentation of the innovations and results obtained.
The researchers Carlos César Pereira Nogueira, Adriana Mello de Araújo, Geraldo Magela Cortes Carvalho, Janaina Mitsue Kimpara, José Oscar Lustosa Oliveira Júnior, Luiz Carlos Guilherme and the analyst Marcos Jacob de Oliveira Almeida, all from Embrapa Mid-North, are the Brazilian technicians who are going to take part in the project.
The success of the technologies developed by Embrapa in the last five years, through the "Agricultural Innovation MKTPlace", in African countries, has led Brazil to now integrate the "M-BoSs: Building on the successes of the Marketplace". Such program is going to back the project "Poverty Reduction and Food Security in Africa", led by Embrapa Mid-North.
Translation: Mariana de Lima Medeiros
Fernando Sinimbu (654 MTb/PI)
Embrapa Mid-North
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