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News report

Os pesquisadores Antonio Gomes e Murillo Freire, da Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), iniciaram na Nigéria, de 5 a 9 de março, as atividades do projeto...

Publishing date: 23/03/18

News report

Researchers from Embrapa Food Technology made a technical visit to the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) and to farmers in Uganda, Africa, in March. The activity...

Publishing date: 07/04/17

News report

A pesquisadora Edna Oliveira, da Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos, e Ricardo Elesbão, da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, foram os representantes da Embrapa no Simpósio "Os...

Publishing date: 28/07/16

News report

Promover a difusão de práticas integradas de produção de amendoim, com ênfase no controle biológico de fungos para reduzir a contaminação do produto no Mali. Esse é o objetivo do...

Publishing date: 13/05/16

News report

The Northern region Ethiopia has characteristics that limit agricultural production, with a climate that varies from semiarid to desertic. To cope with such conditions, the rural...

Publishing date: 08/08/18

News report

The use of clay pots that are much similar to those used to store drinking water in the kitchens of farms and villages in the countryside is being validated as a social technology...

Publishing date: 24/01/17

News report

At the end of 2018, five professionals from Embrapa spent three weeks in the state of Mbale, in Uganda. The group applied capacity-building and participatory training guidelines...

Publishing date: 22/01/19

News report

On July 19, Embrapa Environment (Jaguariúna, SP, Brazil) is going to host the seminar “Análisis de impacto ecológico en escala de fincas para política macroeconómica desde una...

Publishing date: 18/07/17

News report

A Embrapa Arroz e Feijão (Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO) e a Fundação Aga Khan (Portugal) conseguiram aumentar em três vezes (3,5 mil quilos por hectare) a produtividade do arroz de...

Publishing date: 22/04/16

News report

A comprehensive technology transfer project in the area of integrated food production will be implemented from this year on, by Embrapa Mid-North, in five African countries,...

Publishing date: 17/01/17