Technical cooperation project contributes to food and nutritional security in Mozambique
Technical cooperation project contributes to food and nutritional security in Mozambique
The Project of Technical Support to the Nutrition and Food Security Programs of Mozambique (PSAL) was concluded in late 2015, but the activities that permeated its two stages - 2010/2011 and 2012/2015 - keep making the difference for vegetable production in that country. The PSAL integrated the USA-Mozambique-Brazil Trilateral Technical Cooperation Project, conducted by the Universities of Florida and Michigan, the Mozambique Institute of Agrarian Research (IIAM) and Embrapa.
“This food security project represented a watershed between dependence and self-sufficiency with regard to the cultivation of some species that are part of Mozambicans' diets”, assesses the researcher Francisco Resende, who coordinated the production component Vegetable Varieties and Crop Treatments, included in the tripartite project.
To exemplify, he highlights the performance of the cultivars introduced within the scope of PSAL, such as the Franciscana (IPA-10) and Vale Ouro (IPA-11) onions. Developed by the Pernambuco Agronomic Institute (IPA), and whose seeds are traded by the company Hortivale, the cultivars - due to their quality and productivity - today make up almost the entire market of Mozambique.
The case of the onion materials, however, is not the only one that is worthy of note. Lettuce, according to the researcher, may have provided an even bigger impact, since there were no cultivation materials for tropical weather - they used to plant seeds that were imported from Europe or South Africa, and produced only in the winter. “The Brazilian varieties tested in the region of Nampula quickly took the place of the others, because they grow and develop normally under the heat without precocious blooming, thus it is a product of higher commercial quality” he pinpoints.
Other success cases bear the Embrapa Vegetables seal: the BRS Hozam garlic, the tomatoes San Vito and Santa Cruz, planted under tutoring - an innovative technique for tomato crops in Mozambique and of higher quality for the fresh produce market - and the Brasília carrot, besides the São Francisco and Tropical Alfa onions, have seeds traded by Brazilian companies in the Mozambican market and have started to be part of the country's horticultural context.
Despite the end of the project, Embrapa Vegetables has extraofficially kept contact with IIAM researchers, who continue to be partners in the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences. For Resende, who keeps frequent correspondence with the researcher Carvalho C. Ecole, from IIAM's Agronomy & Natural Resources, “the most important and rewarding thing about this work is that the research area implemented for the project is still in full operation, generating new results, so we have many conversations ahead of us”.
Incorporation of technologies
Ecole considers the technologies that were also introduced as relevant as the materials, and today they are being incorporated into vegetable production areas. “We owe it to PSAL the addition of innovative processes to our agriculture, such as irrigation systems (microaspersion and drip irrigation), composting, construction of greenhouses for seedling production, cover crops and the production of green manure, and soil cover with use of plasticulture or plant residue, among others”, the researcher underscores.
Another legacy of the project mentions the publication of the book “Horticultura em Moçambique – características, tecnologias de produção e de pós-colheita” (Horticulture in Mozambique - characteristics, production technologies and post-harvest), jointly edited by the agronomists Carvalho Ecole (IIAM), Walter Bowen (University of Florida), Francisco Resende and the biologist Lenita Haber (Embrapa Vegetables), all of which were PSAL participants.
“This book expresses everything that was built during the time the project lasted and symbolizes a recognition of the dedication of all of those who crossed paths with us”, Lenita points out.
Translation: Mariana Medeiros
Anelise Macedo (MTB 2.748/DF)
Embrapa Vegetables
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