14/05/18 |   Climate change  Technology Transfer

Embrapa and Inra renew partnership in international cooperation

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Photo: Kátia Marsicano

Kátia Marsicano -

Another important step towards strengthening the development of agricultural research in the world stage. On May 4, Embrapa's president Mauricio Lopes welcomed the president of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (Inra), Phillipe Mauguin, to renew the Memorandum of Understanding between both institutions for a period of another five years (by 2023). Through the document, Inra and Embrapa commit to broadening exchange and programs, with the aim of increasing the knowledge base for sustainable development and institutional strengthening, in addition to hosting and exchanging researchers; promoting internships, study missions, provision and exchange of technical, scientific and institutional development information, and the exchange of plant and animal germplasm and of scientific materials and equipment used in experiments.

Other participants in the event include Inra's director in charge of International Policy, Jean-François Soussana, Embrapa's directors of Research and Development, Celso Moretti, and of Innovation and Technology, Cleber Soares, as well as representatives from both institutions.

On that occasion, a letter of intent was signed by both institutions for the development of partnerships in the area of adaptation of fruit trees to climate change, with a focus on the management of apple tree blooming and of other species. According to the agreement, the cooperation will more directly involve Embrapa Grape and Wine, with encouragement to promoting contacts with experts and with other institutions, strengthening partnership in the scientific community in both countries.

During the meeting, the president of INRA made a brief presentation about the institution and its main targets, which include strengthening international partnership strategies.

“Cooperation project possibilities are fundamental to strengthening knowledge”, stated the president of Embrapa, Maurício Lopes, highlighting the importance of the presence of the institution outside Brazil through the Labex program, which celebrates 20 years of activity abroad by assigning 47 researchers of the company to 15 foreign research organizations in eight countries in three continents. The coordination of Labex Europe, for instance, is based in Agropolis Internacional, in Montpellier, France, but there are researchers in the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Germany.

Agenda for discussions
The May 4 meeting also addressed other topics, including the possibility of cooperation in the area of food and territoriality, and cooperation in the area of carbon and nitrogen balance. There was a discussion on the possibility of associating the Low CArbon Agriculture Plan and the ICLFS Network with the French Initiative “4 per 1000”, in line with other international cooperations, like Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and the Coordination of International Research Cooperation on Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture (Circasa).

Another topic that was addressed was the possibility of elaborating joing calls for research aid with mobility of researchers and analysts, following the example of ongoing ones between Embrapa and Rothamsted Research, UK, and between INRA and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia.

The schedule for the day included a visit to Embrapa Cerrados, where INRA's delegation was welcomed by their head of Research and Development, Marcelo Ayres, followed by a presentation from the researcher Luiz Carlos Balbino.

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Kátia Marsicano (MTb DF 3645)
Secretariat of Intelligence and Strategic Relations

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