13/10/20 |   Technology Transfer  Cultivar and seed market

Embrapa presents first grape cultivar made in the Brazilian Northeast

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Photo: Fernanda Birolo

Fernanda Birolo -

Embrapa Semi-arid Region (Petrolina, PE) is introducing the table grape cultivar BRS Tainá, the first variety to be fully developed in the Brazilian Northeast. Aimed at the irrigated fruit farming region by the São Francisco river valley, the grape features a white color, neutral and pleasant flavor, and is seedless, one of the most important traits required by the market.

The new cultivar will be presented on October 21, at 19h30, on a Field Day broadcast online through Embrapa's Youtube channel.

The event is open to the public and will include a lecture by the researcher Patrícia Coelho de Souza Leão, responsible for leading grape breeding studies in the region. It will also offer testimonials by farmers who have experimental areas of the grape in their properties.

Stemming from a crossing performed in 2004 between the international cultivars Sugraone and Marroo Seedless, which are part of Embrapa Semi-arid Region's gene bank, BRS Tainá is the result of an intense effort to provide the valley’s grape growers with a white cultivar for which they don’t have to pay the high costs of royalties that are common in foreign varieties, explains Patrícia.

The cultivar is part of Embrapa’s genetic improvement programme called Uvas do Brasil [Grapes from Brazil], the first grape variety for which all the stages of genetic improvement, starting from crossbreeding to validation, were conducted by Embrapa in the conditions of a semi-arid tropical environment. 

BRS Tainá's launch is now being licensed to nurseries (access the call for proposals) and will soon be available for farmers.

Key Features  

The characteristics of the new variety live up to its given name. "'Tainá', with Tupi-Guarani indigenous roots, is a tribute to Brazil, a strong female name that is reminiscent of the origins of our country", Patrícia commented. It is a vigorous plant with an average yield of 25 tonnes per hectare per production cycle estimated at the Lower Middle São Francisco River Valley.

The period from pruning to harvest is around 110 days, with small variations throughout the year, depending on climate conditions. The bunches of BRS Tainá are medium-sized, weigh around 270g and measure about 15cm x 10cm.

The new cultivar also features desirable characteristics for fresh consumption, such as crispness, firm berries, with good adherence to the pedicel and tiny and imperceptible traces of seeds. The taste is neutral and pleasant, with a good balance between sugars and acidity. It is a promising option, with great potential to stand out in the market for seedless white table grapes.


Event: Presentation of BRS Tainá table grape cultivar
Date: Oct 21, 2020
Time: 19h30
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx3k5RnT9_g


Clarice Rocha (MTb 4733/PE)
Embrapa Semi-Arid Region

Fernanda Birolo (MTb 81/AC)
Embrapa Semi-Arid Region

Press inquiries

Phone number: +55 87 3866-3600

Mariana Medeiros (Translation - English)
General Secretariat

Further information on the topic
Citizen Attention Service (SAC)