Exploiting milk whey from small dairies
Exploiting milk whey from small dairies

Photo: VICENTINI, Nívea Maria
The exploration of milk whey resulting from cheese-making has increased in Brazil due to the setup of industrial units where whey and byproducts are concentrated and dried. However, the volume of whey that is discarded or underused is still extremely high, notably at small dairies. This project aims to survey the volume and quality of the milk whey generated in the largest cheese-producing regions of the country, located in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul. It also aims to elaborate a logistic decision model to process cheese whey, considering the distribution of the whey produced in the region, transportation costs, costs of industrial processes, and economic viability indicators. Additionally, the project aims to propose solutions like low-cost processes and products elaborated from milk whey, as well as the elaboration of a manual on process and product alternatives for whey processing. The project relies on international partnerships with CSIRO (The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, in Australia), INTI Lácteos (National Institute of Industrial Technology, Argentina), UITA (Unit for Innovation in Food Technology, Uruguay), Corpoica (Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research) and UL (Free University of Colombia), and with the national partners Pólo do Leite (Milk and Dairy Innovation Agency), the Cândido Tostes Institute and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeastern Minas Gerais, with funding from AUSAID (the Australian Agency for International Development). The project aims at supplying alternatives to have small dairies better explore milk whey. It aims to formulate new products, based on drying the whey as such or on fraction it and drying its by-products, possibly through association and/or integration systems. It also aims at providing governmental and funding agencies with information and tools to ground structuring and support actions targeting sector and regional sustainable development, along the chain and in regions of large social and economic importance.
Ecosystem: Campinaranas, Ecological Transition
Status: Completed Start date: Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013 Conclusion date: Sun Jul 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016
Head Unit: Embrapa Food Technology
Project leader: Amauri Rosenthal
Contact: amauri.rosenthal@embrapa.br
Keywords: soro de leite, queijaria, modelo, logística, coproduto